Everyone's favorite girlfriend of Matt Holland's.
Matt Wenzel
The kingdom Far Far Away is a place in this iconic film.
These are the male reproductive glands or gonads in all animals, including humans
Testicles or testis or BALLZ
In this 1982 film, a child helps a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home world.
One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.
This is the reason Nicolette was struggling at Marc's cabin.
Allergies :(
In this year, scientists first announced that our beloved Pluto was no longer considered a planet.
An expression of disappointment or frustration.
"Oh balls"
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is best known for this meme.
The process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
Nicolette's height.
On their 1974 album, Slade in Flame, this band released the song "Far Far Away".
The name of the annual fundraiser for the metropolitan museum of art's costume institute in New York.
Met Ball or Met Gala
Ahsoka is of the Torgruta alien species from this planet.
The name of the conservatory that opened in Chicago in 1908.
Garfield Park
The location of Nicolette's scar from when she fell when she was 2 years old.
Below right eyebrow.
Driving from Lisle to New Era, MI, is approx. this many miles.
~230 miles
Alex Barron managed to juggle this many balls at once to earn the world record in 2012.
11 balls
In June 2021, the U.S. Government released this many reports of what they term "unidentified aerial phenomenons"
In 2019, it was estimated to be this many industrial plants in the world.
10 million.
This is the app Nicolette used on her iPad to crop Krista and Kyle into the pre-drive pic to Michigan.
This is the city that is the closest to the opposite side of the world from Chicago.
In the 11th century, the first tennis balls were primarily made of these two materials
Leather and wool
This author is officially known as the oldest depiction of alien creatures in literature, dating from second century AD.
Lucian of Samosata
Aloe vera is a part of this plant family.