Who is the female protagonist in "The Notebook"?
Allie Hamilton
In which location does Noah and Allie's summer romance take place?
Seabrook, North Carolina
What theme addresses the concept of enduring feeling despite obstacles?
Theme of love
In what decade does the main love story of "The Notebook" take place?
In the 1940s
"It wasn't over. It still isn't over!" Who says this line?
Noah Calhoun
What is the name of the male protagonist in the film?
Noah Calhoun
In the scene where Allie is sitting in a classroom, what does the professor write on the blackboard?
Leaves of Grass
Which theme explores the conflict between social class and romantic desire?
The theme of class disparity
What year does the film start with the characters as teenagers?
"You can’t live your life for other people." Who delivers this piece of advice?
Allie Hamilton
Who disapproves of Alli's relationship with Noah?
Her mother Anne Hamilton
In which scene does Noah read to Allie from her favorite novel?
The scene at the nursing home
What theme highlights the importance of memory and its role in relationships?
The theme of memory
How many years pass before Noah and Allie reunite as adults?
7 years
Finish the quote: "He took a good look at what he'd accomplished, got rip-roaring drunk for _ days, thought seriously about setting it on fire, and finally put the house up for sale".
What character serves as a caretaker for Allie in the nursing home?
The nurse
Which scene depicts the climactic reunion of Noah and Allie after years apart?
The scene where Allie returns to Noah's house
What theme addresses the struggle between following one's heart versus societal expectations?
The theme of choice
When does Noah finish building the house that he promised Allie?
After having returned from the war
Finish the quote: "Allie was surprised how quickly she fell in love with ________________ . He was handsome, smart, funny, _____________, and charming. He also came from old Southern money and was fabulously wealthy.
Lon Hammond, sophisticated
Who is the character that represents societal expectations and pressures in Allie's life?
Lon Hammond Jr.
What scene shows the impact of Allie's Alzheimer's disease on her relationship with Noah?
The scene where Noah tries to jog Allie's memory
How does the film depict the theme of time and its effects on relationships?
Your answers
Before what event does Allie get Noah's letters that he had been writting to her for 365 days?
Your answers
Finish the quote: "She had come back into his life like a sudden __________; blazing and streaming into his heart. Noah stayed up all night contemplating the certain agony he knew would be his if he were to lose her twice."