The goddess aiding Odysseus and Telemachus on their journeys
Wife and son of Odysseus
Penelope and Telemachus
Odysseus's home
Name of the cyclops Odyssesus blinds
What does the Cyclops have to drink with his nourishing meal of human flesh?
The god of the sea and his reason for begrudging Odysseus
Poseidon, blinding Polyphemus
Daughter of King Alcinous
Where Odysseus and his men slaughtered many of these people before being overtaken. (his first stop on his journey)
Giant cannibals who destroy many of Odysseus's ships
Odysseus's men want to do this when they arrive at the Cyclops's cave
Steal all his food and animals
Turns Odysseus's men into pigs
Male friend who absolutely adores Odysseus
Odysseus and his men land here and some are tempted by a narcotic plant
Land of the Lotus Eaters
Length of time Odysseus's family has gone without seeing him
20 years
How Odysseus gets his men turned from pigs back into humans
Sleeps with Circe
Odysseus's captor of seven years
#1 in charge suitor
The length of time Odysseus is kept on Circe's island
One year
How Telemachus feels about his father
He doesn't know much but is learning- he feels proud, inspired, sees him as a hero
At the end of book 2, Telemachus sailed toward......?
Pylos and Sparta
Spoke to Calypso about her need to free Odysseus
Told the story of Odysseus dressing as a beggar to infiltrate Troy
The land of King Alcinous
The special attribute of the ram Odysseus ties himself to while escaping the Cyclops's cave
He always leads the herd out and is the first to return
Why Odysseus cries in front of King Alcinous
The Phaeacians keep singing songs about the war
Who was Calypsos's father and on what island did Calypso live
Father was Atlas and she live on Ogygia
Who was Eurylclea?
Who was Laertes?
Odysseus' childhood nurse
The father of Odysseus
What is Elysium?
plain at the end of the world where virtuous warriors go after death
Who was Proteus?
the old man of sea, an immortal Egyptian shape shifter
Firstly, then, I will tell you my name so that you too will know it, and one day, if I liveout this time of sorrow, may become my guests though I live so far away from all of you.
Who said this to whom?
Odysseus to the Phaeacians
Who helped Odysseus secretly meet the Queen at her knees?
What were the names of Nausicaa's parents?
King Alcinous and Queen Arete
Name of the floating island that inhabited the captain of the winds?
Aeolian island
The name of the land of the Laestrygonians
What happened to Elpenor?
What animal did Circe turn the me into
Why did Aeolus cease being a friend to Odysseus?
He was certain Odysseus was out of favor with the gods after returning
Who did Odysseus say were the best dancers in the world?
The Phaeacians
Prophet and seer granted understanding in the underworld by Penelope
Who helped Odysseus defend against Circe