This Greek God acts as Odysseus's guardian angel. They help him where they can.
Who is Athena?
An epic theme is what
What is something that reflects universal concerns such as courage, a homecoming, loyalty, the fate of a nation, beauty, and life and death?
Odysseus is
Who is the epic hero, protagonist, King of Ithaca?
Troy had
What is The Trojan War?
People who give a flower that makes people never want to leave.
Who are the Lotus Eaters?
This Greek God does NOT like Odysseus.
Who is Poseidon?
Epic Plot is
What is a long journey full of complications, such as strange creatures, large- scale events, divine intervention, & treacherous weather? (treacherous means BAD).
Penelope is
Who is the wife of Odysseus?
An Island with a woman named Calypso
What is Calypso's Island where Odysseus was kept there alone with Calypso for seven years?
Giant with one eye that is blinded by Odysseus.
Who is Polyphemus?
This Greek God is the leader of the Olympians.
Epic Hero is
What is the main character of an epic poem that tells the story of a grand quest in which they use their extraordinary or superhuman abilities to achieve great things?
Telemachus is
Who is the son of Odysseus and Penelope?
What is the island with King Alcinous? What is the island where Odysseus spends the majority of the story?
A dangerous whirlpool with teeth that is personified as a female sea monster.
Who is Charybdis?
This Greek God is known for sending messages.
Who is Hermes?
Epic Setting is
What is fantastic or exotic lands; involves more than one nation?
Antinous is
Who is the main "bad" suitor? (Even though all of the suitors were bad).
A cave where Odysseus loses some men
What is Polyphemus's cave? What is the cave with the cyclops?
God or Goddess of Wisdom and War
Who is Athena?
This Greek God gets their cattle eaten by Odysseus's men.
Who is Helios?
Epic Simile is
What is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length?
Helen is
Who is Helen of Troy, the woman that started The Trojan War?
Island with piggies
What is Aiaia?
Six-headed sea monster
Who is Scylla?