To whom/what people does Odysseus tell his story?
Who are the Phaeacians?
What are the Cyclopes?
Who are a race of one-eyed giants?
Who is the sun god from whom the men eventually steal cattle?
Who is Helios?
This is the reason Odysseus blinds the Cyclops instead of killing him.
What is the Cyclops is the only one who can move the stone that covers the exit to the cave?
What object is sharpened to hurt the Cyclops?
What is a sharpened stake made from the olive tree?
Curses Odysseus vs Who carries out the Curse
Who is Polyphemous and Poseidon
Through what mode of transportation do Odysseus and his men finally escape the cave?
What is holding onto the bellies of rams?
What does Polyphemus yell to his brothers?
What is "Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me?"
Dad of all gods/goddesses
Who is Zeus
Who detains Odysseus for seven years?
Who is Calypso?
In his first adventure, Odysseus and his men plunder the coastal settlement of______?
What is the Cicones?
What liquid substance does Odysseus use to incapicitate the Cycolops?
What is wine?
Who is Zeus's dad?
Who is Cronus?
What island is Odysseus telling the story from?
What is Phaecia
Who is Polyphemus' father?
Who is Poseidon?
Odysseus's son's name and wife's name
Telemachus & Penelope