What disguise does Odysseus initially adopt upon his return to Ithaca?
A beggar
What are the suitors doing in Odysseus's palace?
Eating his food, drinking his wine, and trying to marry Penelope.
How does Argus show that he recognizes his master?
He lifts his head and wags is tail.
What is/are the primary theme(s) explored in Odysseus's return and revenge?
Revenge/Justice, Restoration of order, Homecoming
Ancient Greek concept of hospitality
Who is the only person, besides Telemachus, who immediately recognizes Odysseus in his disguised form?
Eumaeus (the loyal swineherd)
Name one of the most arrogant and disrespectful suitors.
Why does Telemachus doubt that Odysseus is who he claims to be?
Odysseus's magically altered appearance suggests there is a trick at work.
What role does fate play in Odysseus's journey home?
Fate is a significant factor, as prophecies and divine intervention guide Odysseus's journey, but he also faces challenges due to his own choices.
No Way!!! Really???? (doubt)
Why does Odysseus choose to reveal himself to Telemachus first?
Telemachus is young and needs guidance and support to confront the suitors. Odysseus needs an ally.
What challenge does Penelope propose to the suitors to determine who she will marry?
She will marry the man who can string Odysseus's bow and shoot an arrow through the holes of twelve axes.
How does Odysseus finally reveal his true identity to Penelope?
He describes the unique construction of their marriage bed, a secret only Penelope and he know.
How does the concept of xenia (hospitality) impact the events of Part 2?
The suitors' violation of xenia (by consuming Odysseus's resources and disrespecting his household) is a major catalyst for Odysseus’s wrath and their ultimate destruction. Odysseus, on the other hand, is helped by those who show him xenia.
lied to; tricked
How does Athena alter Odysseus's appearance after he reveals himself to Telemachus, and why?
Athena makes him appear younger and more godlike. This helps Telemachus recognize him and emphasizes Odysseus's strength and authority.
What character traits does Penelope embody when assigning tasks to the suitors? (string the bow, shoot the arrows, move the bed, etc.)
Cleverness and loyalty
Discuss the significance of the olive tree in the context of Odysseus and Penelope's relationship.
The olive tree symbolizes the deep roots of Odysseus and Penelope’s relationship, its strength, and its unique, immovable nature, like their love. It’s a symbol of their enduring bond and the stability of their marriage.
put on an appearance or disguise
Explain the significance of Odysseus's beggar disguise in his plan to reclaim his kingdom. What advantages does it give him?
The beggar disguise allows Odysseus to observe the suitors' behavior, assess their strength, and gain access to the palace without arousing suspicion. It gives him time to plan his revenge.
Explain the irony in Antinous's request that the beggar (Odysseus) be allowed to try stringing the bow.
It's ironic because Antinous, the most arrogant suitor, suggests the beggar try, not knowing it's Odysseus, the only one capable of completing the challenge. It sets up the dramatic climax. (dramatic irony)
How does The Odyssey explore the themes of justice and revenge in the final books?
The Odyssey explores the complex nature of justice and revenge. While Odysseus's revenge is brutal, it is also presented as a restoration of order and a punishment for the suitors' transgressions. It also shows the cyclical nature of violence and the need to find a way to end the cycle, which is hinted at with the eventual peace.
confusing; bewildering