If some one can type 16 words 4 minutes, so how many words do they type per minute?
4 words a minute.
There are 1 grape for every 2 bananas so how many grapes are there if there are 68 bananas?
34 grapes.
Have I ever had a concussion?
Whats the meaning to the phrase turn over a new leaf?
To start new.
Eli wants to buy 10 toys for $15.30, so how much is one toy?
$1.53 each.
If there are 2 kites for every kid and there are 26 kids then how many kites are there?
52 kites.
Who's my best friend?
Who's our ELA teacher?
Mrs. Harris.
If I buy 6 stickers from a store and it costed me $12.60 how much does one cost?
If Tori buys 12 feet of string to make a art project and each foot costs $6 how much was the 12 feet?
$72 dollars.
Does Mr. Brinn like banana's?
How many sentences are needed to make a paragraph?
At least 5 sentences.
If Dane buys 20 fish sticks for $10 how much does one cost?
$2 dollars.
If my brother gets $150 per house that he mows the lawn for and he needs $2850 then how many lawns does he need to mow?
5 lawns.
What month and year was I born?
April, 2013.
Does this sentence have good grammar?
hi i like to have bananans with choclate
If Kamari buys 100 gum packs for $25 then how much is one pack?
$4 per pack.
If a school gives each kid gets 100 pencils and there's 200 kids then how many pencils does the school need to get?
20,000 kites.
When was the school made?
Is this a claim?
Fries are better than chips.