What is my favorite sodavand?
Faxe Kondi
How old am I?
What is the name of my favorite plushie?
Isbjørnen Ib
What do I bring normally in my madpakke?
Tune salat, cucumber, pepper fruit and fruits
What brand is my shoe?
What do I dislike that most to eat?
Name three things
Liver, heart and kidneys
Whats my favorite color?
Dark red, black, dark blue
What do I keep in my computer bag?
Computer and earphones
How often do I shower?
(Extra point if you answer when)
Every sunday
Who is my favorite character from the Mario series?
Luigi duh
Whats my favorite food?
Archery chicken
What is my shoesize?
What jewelry do I normally wear?
A ring
If I had to chose a power, which power would I chose?
When did I start walking?
(I hope you listened to that presentation I made last year..)
1,5 years old
What is my favorite candy (brand)?
(Hint: Oval and sometimes skeleton shaped)
What is one of my favorite shop called?
What type of computer do I have?
Lenovo Ideapad
Finish this sentence:
"A dragon never ..."
a) Roars
b) Yields
c) loses a fight
"A dragon never yields"
What Mario game do I want?
Mario party 8
If I had to chose between food or beverage, what would I chose?
What is my favorite flag?
(Hint: It has a yellow bird and a sun)
The flag of Kazakhstan
What is the name of the camel in this keychain?
(Hint: A mall in Dubai)
What is my online name?
(fx. When I play games what is my username?)
What date did I start with the hijab?
February 20 (2024)