Where/what location does the one ring need to be destroyed?
Thrown into the pit of MOUNT DOOOOOOM
What is the name of the Ent that carries Merry and Pippin
Tree Beard
What weapon type did the witch king of angmar wield?
A flailed mace, or giant morinstar
Who broke his rib during filming?
Legolas! when he fell of his horse during filming
After finding the slaughter of orcs by the hand of the rohirrim, one of the actors breaks their "toe" kicking a decapitated uruk-hai head/helmet. WHICH OR HOW MANY TOES DID SAID ACTOR BREAK?
TWO toes, his big toe and the one next to it
What is the Symbol orcs from isengard adorn their armor, flag, shields (and faces) with?
The White Hand of Saruman :O
Meriadoc Brandybuck
What’s the elvish word for “friend”?
Who is tallest member of the fellowship?
Gimli! (137cm) John rhys davies (185cm)
Which actor during the battle of helms deep broke/snapped his front tooth?
Aragorn / Viggo mortensen
Where are the uruk-hai taking the hobbits in the second movie?
They‘re taking the Hobbits to Isengard 10 Hours HD
What is Aragorns dads name?
Aragorn, Son of Arathorn
In which real world country is most of the movie filmed
New Zealand!!! mountain ranges, wild rivers and grassy fields
Aragorn, deflected a real knife in his fight scene with lurtz
Which character wielded a weapon so unwieldy, that they had to have a cameraman behind the scenes to help lift their weapon?
The witch king of angmar (Giant mace)
How many members are in the fellowship of the ring? :)
9!!! Gandalf, legolas, aragorn, boromir, faramir, frodo, sam, pippin, GIMLI <3<3<3
How many guest attended Bilbo Baggins Farewell Party
144! A select 144 from the extended families of Bilbo and Frodo (including Gandalf and other special guests) joined the exclusive family dinner-party, held in the great pavilion by the Tree
Who is the most sensitive of the villains / evil characters?
Lurtz, (The urak-hai leader that kills ned stark o.O
What are the giant elephants called in the battle For Minas Tirith
WHAT is inscribed in Tengwar on the one ring?
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"
Who is Maura Labingi?
Frodo baggins!
Frodo baggins is an english translation of his Westron name Maura Labingi
What is a council of Ents called?
An Entmoot
The Riders of rohan are a group of what?
A group of women with glued on beards! xd
What is the name of the horn gimli blows during the battle of helms deep
The Horn of Helm Hammerhand