The belief of one God is called
These are first five books that are written by Moses in the Christian Bible. They are called the
God made a covenant or a promise to this man that his descendants will in this area
God gave Moses a set of rules for the Israelites to follow.
10 Commandments
Jacob's descendants had to relocate this African country for food
The Israelites had to leave Egypt in a hurry and swiftly. It is the second book in the Bible/Torah
This is the first book of the Torah/Bible in which have the stories of the Patriarchs.
The 10 Commandments were written for
Jews, Christians and others to follow
God gave Moses a set of laws located on this particular mountian
Mt. Sinai
The first five books of the Christian Bible of the Old Testament
This is the second book of Torah/Bible in which it discussed the Israelites leaving Egypt very swiftly
What are the names of the forefathers of the Israelites?
Patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
What was the name of the mountain that God gave Moses the set of rules?
Mt. Sinai
What area was known as the Promise Land for the Israelites
An order to do something is called
The Torah reference to this job description of Abraham
This person was born in Egypt and led to the Israelites out of Egypt. He is also known for writing the first five books of the Bible
The 6th Commandment speaks of not to do bodily harm to anyone. Thou shalt not
kill or murder
The Israelites had wandered 40 years in a dry region
What is the ideas of right and wrong
True or False, The Israelites practiced polytheism
False- it was monotheism the belief in one God.
Who took over the leadership when Moses died?
This is the 8th commandment, in which you are not suppose to take something that does not belong to you.
Thou shalt not steal
This is the name of Abraham's homeland, in which God told him to leave