Amy Harmon's home state
What was Butch Cassidy's real name?
Robert LeRoy Parker
The Sundance Kids Real Name
Harry Longabaugh
What inspires Butch's new name in the book?
The bag of ice melt from the Noble Salt Company.
Did the story inspire you to learn more about the real Butch Cassidy or the historical period?
Thoughts and ideas
Famous member of her church choir?
Gladys Knight
Where was Butch Cassidy born?
Beaver Utah but moved to Circleville
These two actors played Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid in the 1969 movie
Paul Newman and Robert Redford
What city is Noble Salt in when he first meets Jane?
New York
Who was your favorite character and why?
Thoughts and ideas?
Amy Harmon's First Book
Running Barefoot
What was Butch Cassidy's gang called?
The Wild Bunch
According to history, who was the girl who stole Butch's heart?
Etta Place
What nickname and what trinket does Noble give to Augustus?
Gus and his pocket watch
What were your feelings about the relationships in the book? Butch and Van? Jane and Warthog and Oliver? Butch and Sundance? Sundance and Etta? Sundance and his Sister? Gus and Butch? Butch and his Mom? Butch and his Dad?
Was there a particular relationship that resonated for you?
Where does the inspiration for Amy Harmon's books come from?
Creating her characters
How many siblings did Butch Cassidy have?
13 Siblings
The group of private security agents who tried to find Butch Cassidy?
The Pinkertons
What was unique to Augustus's features?
His birthmark - Why do you think Harmon chose to give him this feature
The book explores themes of identity and the possibility of second chances. How are these themes portrayed through the characters of Butch and Jane?
Thoughts and ideas
The name of the book our Book Club's previously reviewed
What did Butch Cassidy steal in his first run in with the law?
A pair of overalls
Who is the outlaw that is responsible for Butch's assumed last name?
Mike Cassidy
A picture of Noble Salt?
Did you like the alternate ending?
Do you think it was likely that Butch did not die from a shootout in Argentina