The Outsiders, Characters
About Our Author
The Outsiders, Setting
The Outsiders, Plot
1960s Culture

Who is the main character in The Outsiders?

Who is Ponyboy Curtis. 


The S. & E. in our author's name stand for...

What are Susan and Eloise. 


The time period that our story takes place in is...

What is 1960s America.


In the story, Pony is ____. 

Soda is _____ ,and Darry is _____ years old. 

What is 14, 16, and 20.


In the very beginning of the story, Pony says he had only two things on his mind, ___ ____ and a ride home. What 1960s celebrity does Pony have on his mind?

Who is Paul Newman? 


Who are Ponyboy's brothers?

Who are Sodapop & Darry (Darrel) Curtis.


Why did S.E. Hinton use a pen name when she published The Outsiders?

What is to hide her identity so that her book would be well- received by society, specifically the audience of young men, who she included in her story. 


What U.S. state does our story take place in?

What is Oklahoma. 

The opening scene of our story begins with...

What is Pony almost getting jumped by Socs after walking home alone from the movies. 


One identifying characteristic of greasers in the story is their...

What is hair grease?


Where did S.E. Hinton grow up?

What is Tusla, Oklahoma.

Fill in the blanks: 

In the story, the Greasers could be described as...(rich/ poor) while the Socs are...(rich/ poor).

What are poor and rich. 


(2) cultural icons of 1960s culture that can be found in our story are ____ and ____.

1. Corvairs, mustangs (cars in general, from the time period) 

2. Drive- ins 


Who is described as "the real character of the gang," because of his harsh exterior and tough life experience?

Who is Dally (Dallas) Winston.

What grade did S.E. Hinton receive in her creative writing class while she was writing The Outsiders?

What is a D.


What are (2) different articles of clothing from the 60s that might be seen in our text?

- Leather jackets (worn by the Greasers!)

- Madras (plaid, worn by the Socs!)


Summarize the events of Chapter 1, including least (5) specific events (spanning from beginning - end).

- In defense of Pony, Johnny jumps into action, and he kills Bob with his switchblade. 

- After the killing of Bob, Pony and Johnny flee the scene in order to find Dally for help. 

- Upon Dally's careful instructions, the boys jump on a train in order to get to an abandoned church located on Jay Mountain. 

*The Chapter ends with Pony & Johnny making it to Jay Mountain, finding the church, and falling asleep. 


What is (1) specific music artist/ band from the 1960s? 

- *BONUS 200 pts. if you can LIST the (2) referenced in The Outsiders!

- Elvis Presley*

- The Beatles*

- The Beach Boys

- The Rolling Stones
