"There was a line a mile long."
This is an example of what literary device?
The narrator and youngest Curtis brother.
Who were the two Greasers that were jumped?
Johnny and Ponyboy
Are Greasers Cool or Emotional?
"He gets drunk on just plain living"
This is an example of what literary device?
The pet, or puppy of the gang and Ponyboy's best friend.
How old was S.E. Hinton when she wrote The Outsiders?
What does Ponyboy mean when he says the Greasers all have "Rough breaks"
Life "ain't fair" if you're a Greaser
"I have light brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes... My hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in the back and long at the front and sides."
This is an example of what literary device?
The middle, most handsome Curtis brother who had a horse named Mickey Mouse and works at the gas station.
Who is the enemy of The Greasers?
The Socs
Who was in the Blue Mustang?
The Socs, Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends
"You're bleedin' like a stuck pig."
This is an example of what literary device?
Dallas Winston (Dally)
Where do Johnny and Ponyboy say they want to run away to?
The Country
Why did Johnny panic when the Socs came for Cherry and Marcia?
"If it hadn't been for the gang, Johnny never would have known what love and affection are."
This is an example of what literary device?
Two-Bit Matthews
What car pulled up to Johnny, Ponyboy and Two-Bit when they were walking Cherry and Marcia to bring them home?
Blue Mustang
What made Ponyboy want to run away?
Darry hitting him