who are pony boys brothers?
Darry and sodapop
Do johhnys parent care about him
Name the curtis family
Pony boy, Sodapop and Darry.
What are greasers
poor kids
What are socs
Rich Kids
What does pony boy think in the beginning of the story
Pual Newman
who is pony boy in love with.
Cherry Valance
How did pony boys parents die
in a autro wreck
what do greasers use to survive
switch blades
How do socs think
What did one soc say to pony boy before he was beat up.
needs a haircut
Where do pony boy and johhny hide
Mrs. Curtis
are greasers wild?
How do socs harrass greasers
by beating them up
does Darryl shows love for ponyboy
he scolds pony boy
What did johhny do to bob
What is sodapop's horses name
Mickey Mouse
which side do greasers live in
where do the SOCs live
the west
who does pony boy protect
Cherry Valance
What was bob going to do to pony boy
Drown him.
Name 2-3 of the greasers
ponyboy, sodapop, Darry, johnny and two bit
Name 2 of the Socs
randy, bob, cherry, Marcia