Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Other Information
Who stabbed Bob?
What does Johnny use to cut their hair?
His switchblade
Who is the Greasers spy?
Cherry Valance
What does Ponyboy tell the reports ´if he could do anything right now what would that be?´
Take a bath
How does Ponyboy describe how he looks after his hair was cut and bleached?
That he looked younger and more scared
Who did Johnny and Ponboy go to for help after what happened in the park?
Why did Johnny buy peroxide?
To change Ponyboys appearance. To color his hair so he didnt look the same.
Why do you think Dally doesnt want Johnny to turn himself into the police?
Because he knows what it is like to be in jail and doesnt want Johnny to have to go through that. Also he knows what prison does to people, he doesnt want Johnny to change in their like he did (hard and cold)
What is the phrase that Ponyboy had a hard time hearing when the doctors told them how Johnny was doing?
if he lived...(if was the word that was hard for him to handle)
Around what time did the fight happen in Chapter 4?
2:30 in the morning
What does Dally give the boys to help them with their escape?
A gun, 50 dollars, his leather jacket
What is the name of the book Johnny brings back to the church for them to read?
Gone with the Wind
What major event happens in this chapter?
The church burns down and Ponyboy and Johnny go into the church to save a group of kids
What does Ponyboy remember from his recurring nightmare?
Nothing, just that he wakes up screaming at times and he is in a cold sweat.
Give a quick summary of the meaning of the poem ``Nothing Gold Can Stay´´
It is about youth. How you are only young for so long, and then its over. Try to hold on to your youth and innocence as long as you can, because once it is gone, you can never get it back.
What is the name of the town where the church is located?
Why do the soilders from ``Gone with the Wind´´ remind Johnny of Dally?
They were gallant (brave). Dally isnt afraid of anything. One time he was picked up by the fuzz for something Two-Bit did, but he remained cool the entire time, and didnt deny it. To Johnny that is gallant.
Why do you think Ponyboy opened up to Jerry and told him the whole story about why he and Johnny were there.
He felt comfortable with him, probably had something to do with the fact that he kept calling Johnny and him heroes. **Ponyboy was in a very emotional state, had just seen 2 of his closet friends come in with severe injuries and did not know what would happen to them. More so, he was still in after shock of the church burning.
Who does Ponyboy chat with at the Tasty Freeze? What do they talk about? What does he take away from the conversation?
Randy, one of Bobs good friends. They talk about what happened to Bob, and the boys helping those kids in the burbning church. How Randy thinks he isnt the kind of person that would of done something like that. Ponyboy takes away from this conversation is finally TRULY understanding what Cherry has said about ``Things are rough all over´´
What is Darrys silent fear?
Losing another person he loved
What lie does Ponyboy tell the farmer when he asks for directions to Jay Mountain?
That they are playing army and he is suppose to report to headquarters.
Who is the author of the poem ``Nothing Gold Can Stay``
Robert Frost
What was it that made Ponyboy finally understand how Darry really feels about him?
When Darry and Sodapop met him at the hospital Darry was silently crying. Darry didnt even cry at their parents funeral.
What does Ponyboy realize after reading the newspaper article about him as a hero?
That he and Sodapop could be put in a boys home
Why dont the Curtuis boys lock the front door of their home?
Because if any of their friends need a place to crash, or if they are arguing with their parents they would want them to go their and sleep it off, instead of staying out, getting drunk and possibly hurting themself or someone else