
In chapter 1 of The Outsiders, Ponyboy describes this character as "movie star handsome" and "he gets drunk on just plain living". 

Who is Sodapop?


What does "Cooler" mean?

What is jail?


In chapter 1, Ponyboy describes his relationship with his brothers Soda and Darry. Who does he have conflict with the most and why? HINT: Ponyboy has conflict with ______ because _______.

Ponyboy has conflict with Darry because he is too judgmental.


This character is described as having light-brown almost red hair and greenish grey eyes. He also mentioned that he wished he looked like Paul Newman. Who is this character?

Who is Ponyboy?


What is the slang term for the police?

What is fuzz?


How does Steve Randall feel about Ponyboy? 

He doesn't like him because Ponyboy is always tagging along with him and Soda.


Who is the character described as "a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of stranger." 

Who is Johnny Cade?


What is the 1950's slang term in this quote and explain what it means?

"I had a long walk home and no company, but I usually lone it anyway, for no reason except that I like to watch movies undisturbed."

 Lone it means to be a lone.


Who are the Greaser's biggest rival? Then, describe them.

The Greasers biggest rival are the Socs. They are rich and appear more clean cut than the Greasers.


Describe the character Dally (His actions, personality, and looks).

He is angry, fighting other people, and has icy blue eyes and blonde hair. 


Define "rumble" based on the except below.

"A rumble, when it's called, is usually born of a grudge fight and the opponents just happen to bring their friends along."

What is gang fight?


Who attacks Ponyboy as he is walking home and why do they attack him?

The Socs attack Ponyboy because they know he is a Greaser.


Describe Two-bit and his role in the group. 

Two-Bit is the oldest member. He has red hair and is the clown of the group.


Fill in the black with the correct 1960's slang term. Then explain it's meaning. Answer the first part in the form of a question and the second part as a statement. HINT What is ____? It means _____.

"That little _____ was two timing me again while I was in jail." 

What is broad? It means girl.


True or false: Ponyboy knows why there's beef between the Soc's and Greasers. Then, whoever has the correct answer must look for text evidence that supports your answer.

False; Ponyboy does not know why The Socs hate the the Greasers. On page 25, Ponyboys says, "Why did the Socs hate us so much? We left them alone." 
