Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

What is Ponyboy doing at the beginning of Chapter 1?

(a) Leaving a movie theater  (b) Reading a book
(c) Kissing a girl                  (d) Sitting in a classroom

(a) Leaving a movie theater


Who does Cherry say Ponyboy looks like?

(a) Soda          (b) A horse
(c) His father    (d) Robert Redford

(a) Soda


Cherry says the greasers are more ___________ than the Socs.

(a) Generous      (b) Hateful
(c) Emotional     (d) Affluent

(c) Emotional


What weapon did Johnny use to kill Bob?

A switchblade


Who wrote the poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny?

(a) Ponyboy            (b) Cherry
(c) Robert Frost      (d) Walt Whitman

(c) Robert Frost


What point of view is The Outsiders written in?

First person point of view


What are the names of the girls Ponyboy and the greasers meet at the drive-in?

(a) Whitney and Barbara     (b) Sherri and Marcia
(c) Sandy and Marcia          (d) Jennifer and Mary

(b) Sherri and Marcia


What happens when Pony comes home after his curfew?

Darry slaps Ponyboy


Who is in the park with Ponyboy and Johnny? (a) Their parents           (b) Dally
(c) Cherry and Marcia

(d) Bob, Randy, and three more Socs.

(d) Bob, Randy, and three more Socs.


Who's the spy for the greasers?

Cherry Valance


What celebrity does Ponyboy wish he looked like?

(a) Paul Newman     (b) Rock Hudson
(c) Clark Gable        (d) Gary Cooper

(a) Paul Newman


Who says 'things are rough all over'? What is the person referring to?

Cherry Vallance

No matter what your background or socio-economic level, things are difficult for everybody


Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him? Cite evidence from Chapter 3.

When Johnny's dad hits him he says at least his father is thinking about him.

What are the four things that Dally offered Ponyboy and Johnny after the murder?

a gun, money, a plan, and dry clothes


What do Ponyboy and Johnny do in Chapter 5 to disguise themselves? Why is this important? (Think about what is important to a Greaser)

They cut and bleach their hair. It is important because their hair is a very large part of their identity as greasers. There hair labeled them as greasers, it was their trademark.


Who is the only person who can tease Darry?

(a) Sandy        (b) His father
(c) Ponyboy.    (d) Soda

(d) Soda


Why doesn't Ponyboy like referring to Sodapop as a dropout?

The word dropout made Ponyboy think of a "poor dumb-looking hoodlum wandering the streets breaking out street lights". Ponyboy does not think that fits his "happy-go-lucky brother at all." He thinks it fits Dally better.


Where do Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit walk to with Cherry and Marcia after they leave the movies?

To Two-Bit's house to get his car so he can drive the girls home.


How does Johnny recognize who the Socs in the park are?

By the rings on Bob's hand.


Why is Ponyboy sick?

He was tired of baloney and he was smoking too much that it made him sick


How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain with textual evidence from Chapter 1.

Sodapop is more motherly.

Darry is more fatherly.


What story is told in Chapter 2?

Ponyboy tells Cherry about the time Johnny was jumped by the Socs


Why doesn't Darry call the police when Ponyboy doesn't arrive home until 2:00 a.m.?

If he called the police it might have gotten Ponyboy and Johnny thrown in a boys' home.


How do Ponyboy and Johnny get to the abandoned church?

They hop the three-fifteen freight to Windrixville.


What are the two pieces of news Dally told the boys?

The police think they went to Texas and Cherry is a spy for the greasers
