Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Chapters 5-6

This character is abused a lot and frightened throughout the book. 



What happens to Ponyboy when he's coming back from the movies?

Ponyboy gets jumped by several Socs. They threaten to cut his hair off. Darry and the gang rescue Pony from the attack.


What causes the Socs to attack the boys at the park?

Pony and Johnny were with Cherry and Marcia (the Socs' girls)


Why do Johnny and Ponyboy go into the fire?

They felt guilty because they thought the fire was their fault and they wanted to rescue the kids.


The definition of the word contemptuously.

What is, in a way that shows strong dislike or lack of respect for someone or something?


This character is a happy-go-lucky boy who loves life and dropped out of school. He is frequently described as handsome.

Who is Sodapop?


Describe the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs.

The conflict between the Greasers and the Socs stems from the fact that the Greasers are poor and the Socs are rich.


What do Cherry and Ponyboy say is the real difference between the Socs and Greasers?

Feelings. The Socs don't feel anything and Greasers feel too violently


After the stabbing, what is the situation in the town? Who is the spy?

It's Soc against Greasers all over town. Lots of fighting. Cherry Vallance


The definition of the word ornery. 

What is, bad tempered and combative; stubborn?


This character is a hard working, dedicated, and overwhelmed brother who loves his family and will do anything to keep them together.

Who is Darry?


What happens at the Nightly Double?

At the Nightly Double, Dally starts talking dirty to two Soc girls. Johnny suprisingly tells him to stop and he does. The boys hit it off with the girls. Then Pony tells Cherry about Johnny's mugging by the Socs.


Explain Ponyboy's motivation for running away.

After Darry hits him, he gets upset and mad. He thinks Darry hates him and doesn't want him at home.


What happened to Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally because of the fire?

Johnny was burned badly and his back was broken. Dally burned him arm. Ponyboy had smoke inhalation.


This word means stubborn and determined

What is doggedly?


This character is a dangerous hoodlum who is protective of his friends.

Who is Dally?


What happens to Ponyboy's family before the events of the book?

The Curtis brothers' parents died in a car crash a few months ago. Darry didn't go to college so he can stay home and raise the boys. This prevented the family from being split up.


What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob?

The Socs threatened Johnny. Johnny was scared they were going to attack him again, and they were drowning Ponyboy in the fountain. Johnny was trying to protect himself and Pony.


When did Ponyboy realize that Darry loved him?

Pony recognized that Darry really loved him when he saw Darry crying in the hospital. Darry had never cried even when his parents died.


This word means unwilling or unable to believe something.

What is incredulous?


This character is a joke-cracking greaser who loves a good fight and abhors work.

Who is Two-Bit Matthews?


How is Ponyboy different from the rest of The Greasers? 

Ponyboy is different from the rest of the gang because he likes school, is smart, and likes movies and books.


When he was ten, why had Pony saved his money? What does this say about Ponyboy?

Pony saved his money to buy Soda Mickey Mouse, a horse. This shows that Pony loves his brother and he's kind and generous.


Why did Johnny and Ponyboy have to change their hair and why was it hard for them to do?

They changed their hair because they wanted to disguise their identities. It was hard because their hair is their identity.


Use the word roguishly correctly in a sentence.

Roguishly: playfully mischievous
