Character Interactions
Theme Development
Plot Structure/ Setting Impact

Describe Ponyboy's interests/ personality

Hates guys with green eyes

 Greaser

 Likes movies, reading books

 Gets good grades

 Has a high IQ/skipped a grade

 Doesn’t use his head (common


 Loves Sodapop more than anyone


What caused Ponyboy's change in behavior at the end of the novel?

The death of Johnny & Dally


What is needed in a theme statement

One sentence statement about what the author wants the reader to know/learn 

  • A statement that can be proven by textual evidence and is written in third person

  • The deepest meaning of the text

  • A universal message /perspective about life !!! (can apply to various texts and genres)


What are the 5 elements of Plot Structure? In Order

1. Exposition 

2. Rising Action 

3. Climax

4. Falling Action

5. Resolution


Describe “Cherry” Valance's interests/ personality


 doesn’t get to be who she really is,

has to hide her emotions

 Dallas Winston

 loves sunsets


How does Ponyboy change over the course of the novel? 

(How did he view the world at the beginning of the text? How did he see the Socs before? How did it change? Why?)

Ponyboy changes from having very set ideas about people to being less judgmental about others and more willing to talk with different people.


Choose a theme from one of your favorite movies/ books and tell us why

Teacher's discretion


Why is plot important when thinking about theme?

Plot drives the actions and events that teach a character a lesson.


Describe Randy Anderson's interests/ personality 

 Hates Greasers, but comes around


All of the statements about characters below are true, except:

A. Characters drive the plot and actions of the story.

B. All characters change in a story.

C. Characters often learn something in a story. 

D. Characters interact with one another and the setting.

B. All characters change in a story.


Explain how that quote supports a theme found in The Outsiders.  “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” –Johnny (Chapter 9)

Teacher's Discretion, but one could say no matter the circumstances, one should stay true to themselves.


How does the setting at the church impact the story?(What part of the plot structure does this take place?)

The church setting is where the climax of the story takes place.


Describe Johnny's personality/ interests

The gang’s pet

 Seems like a kid brother

 Parents are always yelling at him or

hitting him.



What does Johnny’s decision to turn himself into the police in Chapter 6 most reveal about his character?

He values the lives of his fellow Greasers over his own life.


Explain how that quote supports a theme found in The Outsiders. “Things are rough all over.” –Cherry (Chapter 2) 

Teacher's discretion, but you could have said that while life may be hard for everyone, it's what one does is what's important


How does the setting impact a story? 

The setting affects the character’s actions and way of living.


Describe Dally's interests/ personality

“Tougher, colder, meaner” than other


 Wild, grew up on the streets of New


 Bitter

 Lies, cheats, steals, jumped small


 Smart

 Demanded respect


What were some messages the author was trying to show us about the Greasers and the Socs? What do they share?

Overall, the Greasers and the Socs are the same


Explain how that quote supports a theme found in The Outsiders. “We couldn’t get along without him. We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang.” -Ponyboy (Chapter 8)

Teacher's Discretion, but one could have said that people are able to go further in life as a team. instead of being by themselves
