Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-7
Who said?

Pony has gone to the movies alone because.... A. no one else could go. B. Pony believes no one else likes movies the way he does. C. Pony thought he would meet someone there.

What is B. Pony believes no one else likes movies the way he does.

Pony and Johnny pass time at the church by A. playing checkers. B. reading 'Gone with the Wind'. C. reading a book of poems.
What is B. reading 'Gone with the Wind.'
The statement, "Her words were sugar" is a metaphor. Her words are being compared to sugar. What is being said about her words?
What is She is saying sweet, nice things.
Who said: "No, Johnny, not my hair!"
What is Ponyboy
What is the meaning of slug in the following sentence: "Dally didn't slug you tonight because you are the pet."
What is punch/hit
Pony was embarrassed when Dally started talking to the girls at the drive-in because ... A. they were not greasy girls. B. they were older girls. C. they were related to Two-Bit.
What is A. they were not greasy girls
At the church, when Pony and Johnny talk about the night of the murder, A. they cry until they get used to the situation. B. they decide together to go home. C. they argue and blame each other.
What is A. they cry until they get used to the situation.
"It's raining cats and dogs" is a metaphor. The rain is being compared to cats and dogs. What is being said about the rain?
What is It is raining very heavy and noisy like when cats and dogs fight.
Who said: 'I wish you'd come back and turn yourselves [sic] in..."
What is Sodapop
What is the meaning of reeling in the following sentence: "...I figured they were reeling pickled."
What is staggering or swaying
When Two-Bit comes up behind Pony and Johnny at the drive-in, Johnny feels A. silly. B. frightened. C. happy.
What is B. frightened.

Johnny sees Dally as gallant because A. he admires Dally's manners. B. Dally took the blame for something Two-Bit did. C. Dally tells the truth.

What is B. Dally took the blame for something Two-Bit did.

"He is my fortress": To what is "He" being compared? What is being said about him?
What is A fortress is strong and protects. Therefore, he is my protector.
Who said: "I couldn't tell Dally that I hated to shoot things."
What is Ponyboy
What is the meaning of apprehensive in the following sentence: "He was pretty well crocked, which made me apprehensive."
What is fearful or worried
Johnny and Pony dream of a place... A. where they wouldn't have to go to school. B. where they could make lots of money. C. without Greasers and Socs.
What is C. without Greasers and Socs.

What does Johnny say that upsets Dally at the Dairy Queen in Windrixville?

What is he's going to turn himself in.

Gold is a precious and expensive metal. What comparison can be made between "nature's first green" and gold?
What is Nature's first green is precious and as valuable as gold.
Who said: "I guess we ruined our hair for nothing..."
What is Johnny
What does the word premonition mean in the following sentences: "But this church gave me a kind of creepy feeling. What do you call it? Premonition?
What is a feeling that something is going to happen
When Pony gets to the country, he knows he won't like it as much as he thought because... A. he has to hide and can't see anyone. B. there are more people than he thought living there. C. it turns out the some Socs live there.
What is A. he has to hide and can't see anyone.
While Pony waits at the hospital, Soda and Darry come in. A. They are angry at Pony for running away. B. Pony finally realises that Darry does care about him. C. They all go home right away.
What is B. Pony finally realises that Darry does care about him.
How is the youth of someone's life "gold"?
What is Young people may enjoy things more than older people do as they are too busy to do this.
Who said: "Work? And ruin my rep?"
What is Two-Bit
What does the word imploringly mean in the following sentence: "I looked at Johnny imploringly."
What is to ask humbly; to beg