Vocabulary: Chapter 4-5
Vocabulary: Chapter 5-6
Chapter 4 Questions
Chapter 5 Questions
Chapter 6 Questions
Define: defiance
open resistance; bold disobedience
Define: eluded
evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way
Why does Ponyboy leave home? What traumatic event happens to Ponyboy at the park?
Ponyboy leaves because of the altercation that takes place between him and Darry (Darry slaps Ponyboy). Ponyboy is almost drowned after being jumped by the Socs.
When Pony wakes up, why is he alone? What does Johnny bring back?
Johnny goes to get supplies.
What does Johnny announce that he and Pony are going to do? Why does he think it is best?
Turn themselves in. He doesn't think it is fair for PB to be stranded at a church. Johnny also believes that he will be let off easy/murder will be counted as self-defense.
Define: ruefully
expressing sorrow or regret, esp. when in a slightly humorous way
Define: indignant
feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair
Why does Johnny go after Bob? What is the result?
He is drowning Ponyboy. He kills Bob by stabbing him.
What do the boys do to disguise themselves? Why is Pony so reluctant to do anything with his hair?
They bleach and cut their hair. Ponyboy doesn't want to cut and bleach his hair because he takes pride in his hair.
What does Dally tell Johnny when he asks about his parents? How does Johnny react? How is his reaction different from how Dally would react?
His parents did not ask about him and he should't care whether or not they did/didn't. Johnny is hurt even though he tries to hide it. Dally doesn't care whether or not his parents care about him or not.
Define: premonition
a strong feeling that something is about to happen, esp. something unpleasant
Define: bewilderment
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused
To whom do Ponyboy and Johnny go to for help? What does he give them? What does he tell them to do?
They go to Dally and they get money and a gun and he tells them to go to Windrixville.
What is an allusion? What are two allusions presented in this chapter? What are the names?
A reference to a popular text, piece of art, etc. Gone with the Wind and "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
What is happening at the church when they return? Describe what Johnny and Ponyboy do about it. How do they both act?
The church is on fire. Johnny and PB go to save small children. Ponyboy is scared but brave, Johnny is not scared and is "having the time of his life."
Define: imploringly
to beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something
Define: tangle
a fight, argument, or disagreement.
How do the boys get to where they are going? Where are they going to stay?
They get there by jumping on a train (freight car). They stay at an abandoned church.
How did Dally mislead the police?
He told them that Johnny and PB went to Texas.
Describe Johnny's, Dally's and Ponyboy's injuries sustained after the church fire.
Johnny:possible broken back, unconscious, badly burned. Dally: hurt/burnt arm. Ponyboy:barely burned, bruised back.
Define: quavering
to shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion.
Define: hysterics
a wildly emotional and exaggerated reaction
Why do you think the author included the flashback to when all the guys went to church together? Do you think it was important to include that scene? Why?
The author included that scene to remember the good times. Yes, it is important-shows that he is homesick/questioning leaving.
Who is the "spy"?
Describe Darry's secret fear.
Losing Ponyboy and or somebody else he loves.