Reading Comprehension
Multiple Choice
Conflict/ Theme

 Greasers show their emotions while the Socs are more  _____________________________or detached from showing their feelings.

apprehensive, aloof, ornery



Why did Cherry and Marcia agree to go home with their boyfriends, even though they were drunk? (middle-to end of pg.45)

They didn't want Bob and Randy to start up a fight fight or rumble with the Greasers.


What made Darry hit Ponyboy?

  1. Ponyboy was standing up for Johnny

  2. Ponyboy fell asleep in the parking lot and missed his curfew

  3. Ponyboy was walking Johnny home from the movies

  4. Ponyboy was caught smoking cigarettes.

2.  Ponyboy fell asleep in the parking lot and missed his curfew


Describe a conflict that occurs at the Movies in Chapter 2?

Dally being rude and disrespectful towards Cherry and Marcia. Marcia telling Dally to leave them alone and to get away from them.


 Johnny feels very  _________________________or worried/anxious  as he see the Socs blue Mustang pull up next to him and Ponyboy.

smoldering, bewildered apprehensive



Why does Johnny attack Bob, one of the Socs?

Johnny attacks Bob because he saw that he was drowning Ponyboy in the fountain. 


7. What did Cherry think set the Greasers apart from the Socs?

  1. money      b. intelligence    c. clothes    d. feelings

d. feelings

Explain the theme of friendship in the Outsiders.
Johnny having Ponyboys back, stabbing Bob to save his life.

Dally helping out Johnny and Ponyboy escape from the murder of Bob . Keeping a secret and not telling anyone that they have gone into hiding.


Ponyboy was very shocked and ______________that Darry hit him as no one had ever laid a hand on Ponyboy before.

ornery, bewildered, cunning


What does the line , “Nothing Gold Can Stay” mean? How does this connect to Johnny and Ponyboy? (pg. 78)

Nothing Gold Can Stay means that beauty cannot last forever like the flowers, or the sun rising/sunsets. This connects to Johnny and Ponyboy because they have lost their childhood innocence, after the murder of Bob.


Which two things do Ponyboy and Cherry discover that they mutually enjoy?

a.Movies and music

b.Reading and sunsets

 c.  Travel and beaches

 d.  Cars and money

B. Reading and sunsets

Explain the theme of disloyalty-(Hint: Cherry)

Cherry is disloyal to the Socs to her gang because she betrays by spying for the Greasers.


Ponyboy was very ____________________with how Two-bit, Steve and the others were acting foolishly in the church.

sheepish, apprehensive,  imploringly,



Why does Ponyboy and Johnny turn to Dally for help? (bottom of pg.60)

Both of the boys turn to Dally for help because they know that Dally has been in previous severe situations and has experience with these types of situations. Darry is tough and has been caught in dangerous situations like these before.

 How was Ponyboy's life spared?

a.  Johnny killed Bob with his switchblade.

b. Johnny killed Bob with his gun.

c.  Johnny beat up Bob unconscious.

A. Johnny killed Bob with his switchblade.

In the Outsiders the Greasers are known to be poor and at a social disadvantage, while the Soc are rich and privileged - What type of conflict is?

Character vs. Society


Ponyboy ______________ said to Johnny,” Please Johnny don’t cut or bleach my hair. My hair is my pride”.

cunning, aloof, imploringly



Identify how Johnny and Ponyboy demonstrate the theme of self-sacrifice?

Ponyboy and Johnny demonstrate the theme of self-sacrifice by risking their lives by running into the burning church to save the children. 


Why didn't Ponyboy get home until 2:00 in the morning that night with Johnny?

  1. He went to a party with Johnny.

  2. He decided it was a great night to go hang with the girls

  3. He and Johnny fell asleep while looking up at the stars

3. He and Johnny fell asleep while looking up at the stars


What is the conflict between Johnny and Dally in Chapter 6(when Dally goes to visit them). Explain the conflict.

Man vs. Man- Dally argues with Johnny and tries to change Johnny's mind, telling him he never wants to see Johnny hardened the way prison would harden him(toughen him up). 
