The names of the two Soc girls at the drive-in.
Who are Cherry ane Marcia?
Johnny carries this weapon after being jumped by the Socs, which later becomes crucial to the plot.
What is a switchblade?
The Curtis' parents die this way.
What is in a car crash?
This character becomes friends with Cherry Valance at the drive-in movie and learns that 'things are rough all over'
Who is Ponyboy?
What is a fine usually corded or striped cotton fabric?
This literary device is used when Ponyboy describes the sunset as 'gold when it's cold,' comparing nature to precious metal.
What is Metaphor or Imagery (accepts both)?
The color and make of the car the Soc boys drive.
What is a Blue Mustang?
Dally used to live before moving to Oklahoma.
What is New York City?
This is Soda's best friend.
Who is Steve Randle?
According to Ponyboy's narration, this type of tree outside the church window made the dead leaves dance as if in a ballet.
What is a maple tree?
rebel (verb)
what is to oppose or resist authority?
Type of narrative perspective Hinton uses throughout the novel, and who tells the story. (both required)
What is First-person narration through Ponyboy Curtis?
This is the location the Socs and Greasers choose for their rumble.
What is the vacant lot?
After the fire at the church, this local newspaper calls Ponyboy and Johnny this ironic term, contrasting with how society usually views them.
What are juvenile delinquents turned heroes?
Soda never drinks this.
What is alcohol?
The fuzz.
What is another name for the police?
What is giving the impression of indifference or unconcern?
When Johnny says 'Stay gold, Ponyboy,' this literary device is being used.
What is symbolism?
The name of Cherry's boyfriend.
Who is Bob?
Two-bit Matthews is famous for these two things.
What is shoplifting, his black handled switchblade, and being funny? (accept any two fo the three)
This Curtis brother carries children out of the burning church.
Who is Ponyboy (though Darry also helps with the rescue)?
The reason Cherry and Marcia left their boyfriends' Mustang and sat with the greasers at the drive-in
What is their boyfriends were drinking (or being rowdy/drunk)?
What is to come to a conclusion from a hint or suggestion?
The literary device is used when Ponyboy describes the Socs' Mustangs as 'moving like predatory animals.'
What is simile?
Cherry says this to Pony to convince him that Socs and Greasers have similar problems.
What is things are tough all over?
Johnny receives these two injuries during the church fire rescue.
What are breaking his back and severe burns?
Soda's girlfriend.
Who is Sandy?
He spoke up and told Dally to leave the girls alone.
Who is Johnny?
What is to 'to give up or surrender?'
describes how Johnny says he will face the consequences after killing Bob
This literary device appears when Johnny says 'I can't take much more' after being jumped by the Socs early in the novel
What is foreshadowing?
Name both the specific school the Socs attend AND the side of town where they live that Ponyboy mentions when describing the social divide.
What are Will Rogers High School and the West Side?
Dally gives Johnny and Ponyboy these three items after the murder in the park.
What is $50, a pistol, and dry clothes?
Darry's job.
What is Roofs houses/ shingling/construction?
This leader of another Greaser gang was looking for Dally because someone saw him slashing Timothy's tires.
Who was Timothy Shepard?
What is to be brave and heroic; showing noble qualities?
This literary device is used when Ponyboy recites 'Nothing Gold Can Stay' while watching the sunrise at the church.
What is allusion?