Literary Devices
Figurative Language
All of the following describe Johnny EXCEPT:
a.) Timid b.) Heroic c.) Cowardly
From what point of the view does the story take place?
a.) 1st person b.) 3rd person limited c.) 3rd person omniscient
The line, "So Eden sank to grief" is an example of__?
a.) alliteration b.) metaphor c.) personification
What does the tragic event of the church fire mainly reveal about Ponyboy and Johnny?
a.)The boys’ true strength of character b.) The boys’ desire for fame c.) The boys’ need to ease their feelings of guilt
What is the key separation between the Socs and the greasers?
a.) Status b.) Popularity c.) Emotion
Which best describes Darry?
a.) Mean b.) Authoritative c.) Indifferent
What might Bob's rings represent?
a.) The Socs' popularity within the community b.) Power and wealth being used as a weapon c.) A fashion statement
What is meant by the phrase, "Nothing gold can stay"
a.) Nature is easily ruined. b.) Nature is constantly changing. c.) Nothing in life is permanent.
Dally tries to "bluff" the police with a:
a.) switchblade knife b.) an unloaded gun c.) a broken pop bottle
What can you infer Socs lack in their home lives?
a.) Authority and discipline b.) Love and affection c.) Financial stability and material possessions
What causes Ponyboy to see Darry differently?
a.) Pony reads a letter written by Soda b.) Pony sees his reaction at the hospital c.) Johnny tells Pony how Darry was worried about him
Pony said, “We were careful with our cigarettes- if that old church ever caught fire, there’d be no stopping it.” Later, the church does catch fire. This literary device provides the reader with
a.) Character traits to describe the main characters b.) Information that will prepare the reader for Dally's death c.) The knowledge and understanding that the church can easily catch on fire
Ponyboy notes that he and Cherry see the same sunset. What is the sunset's deeper symbolic meaning?
a.) Love b.) Warmth c.) Connection
What happens to Pony after the court hearing?
a.) He takes up residence at Two-Bit's house. b.) He is sent into foster care c.) He is acquitted and allowed to remain under Darry's custody.
At the hearing, Darry and Sodapop told the judge that Dally was a good buddy of theirs. What does Darry’s comment mainly represent to the reader?
a. Lying will only get you into more trouble b. Stereotyping was common amongst the gangs and many people judged others c. Loyalty is a crucial component to the greasers because they function as a family
As Pony reads Gone with the Wind, Johnny recounts how Dally once took the blame for Two- Bit and went to jail. Johnny believes Dally is _______ like the soldiers in the novel.
a.) Gallant b.) Glorious c.) Gorgeous
What does Ponyboy and Johnny's decision to cut their hair represent?
a.) Their loss of identity and pride b.) Their desire to fit in with the Socs c.) Their shame over being greasers
According to the speaker in the poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, “Her early leaf’s a flower/But only so an hour”. What do these lines suggest about the nature of time?
a.) Time is fleeting b.) Time is a natural process c.) Time changes nothing
What does Ponyboy decide to do at the end of the novel?
a.) Become a renowned author b.) Recount the story of his life to promote awareness c.) Befriend the Socs
When Johnny’s mother came to visit him in the hospital, what was his reaction?
a. Sounds of merrymaking came from the hospital room once Johnny learned that his mother arrived at the hospital b. He couldn’t decide if he should talk to her, or if he should forget about her for good c. He rejected her
What purpose did Johnny serve for the group of greasers?
a.)To hold them together because they all took care of him b.) He was their unofficial leader c.) They felt sorry for him because he was homeless
What is a major theme in the novel?
a.) Gang life promotes violence. b.) We must accept others and focus on the good in the world. c.) Social status determine's one's destiny
For Dally, what did Johnny symbolize?
a.) Innocence b.) Fear c.) Anxiety
What message does Johnny wish Ponyboy to relay to Dally through his letter?
a.) Things are rough all over. b.) Stay gold. c.) There is still good in the world.
What is a major purpose of the story?
a.) To encourage the reader to accept people as individuals and to look for the good in the world b.) To entertain the reader with tales of extreme violence c.) To teach about gang activity