What kitchen recipient do you use to mix the pancake ingredients?
a large bowl
How do you say "le babeurre" in English ?
Name 3 dry ingredients for the pancake recipe
Flour , baking soda , baking powder
How much flour do you need to make pancakes ?
1 cup of flour
Which kitchen ustensil was used to mix the batter?
A whisk
How do you say "sirop d'érable" in English ?
Mapple syrup
Name 5 dry ingredients for the pancake recipe
flour baking soda baking powder salt sugar
Which of the following times is the best estimate of how much time it took to cook one side and then flip? 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes
2 minutes
Which kitchen tool was used to flip the pancakes?
a spatula
How do you say "remuer" in English ?
to stir
Name the 5 wet ingredients
milk buttermilk vanilla extract egg melted buttermilk
How could you tell if the pancake is ready to flip ?
There are bubbles on the surface
What is used to heat the batter and cook the pancakes?
frying pan or a skillet
How do you say "graisser" in English ?
to grease
Name 3 different toppings
whipped cream sugar maple syrup
How do you cook the pancakes ? Heat ?
Medium heat
What kind of pan was used for cooking the pancakes in?
a skillet / a griddle
How do you say "une poêle antiadhésive" in English ?
a non-stick skillet
What do you put on the skillet before pouring the batter ?
butter or oil
The batter should be lumpy :
Right ? Wrong ?