What is the function of the Amygdala?
the core of a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli (4), including detection of threat and activation of appropriate fear-related behaviors in response to threatening or dangerous stimuli.
what is the function of the medulla?
helps control vital processes like your heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure
The frontal lobes are important for voluntary movement, expressive language and for managing higher level executive functions.
What is the function of the Thalamus?
All information from your body's senses (except smell) must be processed through your thalamus before being sent to your brain's cerebral cortex for interpretation.
What is the function of the spinal Cord?
spinal cord is the pathway for messages sent by the brain to the body and from the body to the brain.
Function of the Temporal lobe
They are most commonly associated with processing auditory information and with the encoding of memory. The temporal lobes are also believed to play an important role in processing affect/emotions, language, and certain aspects of visual perception
What is the Function of the Hypothalamus?
Its main function is to keep your body in a stable state called homeostasis. It does its job by directly influencing your autonomic nervous system or by managing hormones
What is the function of the Corpus Callosum?
corpus callosum ensures both sides of the brain can communicate and send signals to each other.
Function of the Occipital Lobe
The occipital lobes sit at the back of the head and are responsible for visual perception, including colour, form and motion
What is the function of the Cerebellum?
Your cerebellum is part of your brain that helps coordinate and regulate a wide range of functions and processes in both your brain and body.
What is the function of the midbrain?
Midbrain functions involves movement of body and head, as it provides passage for downward pathways for the cerebral cortex. It is a channel for the spinal cord transmitting stimuli (sensory) from the head and body to the direct brain.
Function of the Parietal Lobe
The parietal lobe is vital for sensory perception and integration, including the management of taste, hearing, sight, touch, and smell
What is the function of Reticular activating system?
The reticular activating system's fundamental role is regulating arousal and sleepâwake transitions. The ascending reticular activating system projects to the intralaminar nuclei of the thalami, which projects diffusely to the cerebral cortex.
The cerebrum initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature. Other areas of the cerebrum enable speech, judgment, thinking and reasoning, problem-solving, emotions and learning
Function of the broca and wernicke's area
Wernicke's area makes sure that language makes sense, while Broca's area helps bring about the muscle movements necessary to actually produce the sounds.