This is the traditional Latin term for the part of the penitential act that consists of everyone making a confession of sins, referenced in Leviticus 5:5, Nehemiah 1:5-9 and Daniel 9:3-19
What is Confiteor?
This is the word said the liturgy of the word at the beginning of the proclamation of the gospel that is NOT said during lent and is referenced in Psalms 146 through 150
What is Alleluia?
This is the Latin word for the Eucharistic acclamation referenced in Isaiah 6:3 that comes before the Eucharistic Prayer
What is Sanctus?
This is the prayer said towards the end of the Eucharistic prayer that is referenced in Matthew 6:9-13, Mark 14:36 and Luke 11:2-4 (In Latin it's name is translated as "Pater Noster")
What is the Our Father?
These are the names of books of the Bible that the gospel acclamations are always taken from
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke & John?
This is the motion and words we make towards the beginning of Mass that comes from Matthew 28:19
What is the sign of the Cross?
This is the traditional Latin word used to describe the profession of faith that is referenced in Mark 9:24
What is Credo?
These are the Latin words that mark the breaking of the bread, referenced in John 1:29 and Revelation 5:6-13
What are Angus Dei?
This is the prayer said at the very end of the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
What is the Post Communion Prayer?
These are the three books of the bible where the Institution of the Eucharist is found
What are Matthew, Mark & Luke?
This is said on most Sundays throughout the year and comes from Luke 2:14, when the angels visited shepherds to announce the birth of the messiah
What is Gloria?
This is the reading from scripture that is said on Sundays and feast days and is typically taken from the 2nd part of the New Testament
What is the 2nd Readings?
This is the word said that marks the end of the Eucharistic prayer
What is Amen?
This is the term used to describe the gifts being prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist
What is the Offertory?
This is the Latin phrase for the greeting of peace that is performed after the Eucharist prayer is finished, referenced in John 14:27
What is Pax Domini?
This is the only Greek words said at mass that can be part of the penitential rite that come from Matthew 15:22, 17:15 and Psalm 123:3
What is Kyrie Eleison?
This is the explanation of the 1st, 2nd and Gospel readings OR another explanation on a relevant spiritual message
What is the homily/sermon?
This is the longest part of the liturgy of the Eucharist, containing the words of institution as well as various prayers for the Church and various intentions
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
This is the Latin phrase said in the concluding rite that translates in English to "Go, you are sent/dismissed"
What is "Ite, missa est"?
This is the response to the word of God found in the liturgy of Word that occurs before the Gospel Acclamation
What is Responsorial Psalm?
This is the traditional name for the opening prayer that the priest prays at the end of the Introductory Rite
What is collect?
This is the part of the liturgy of the word that is referenced in Exodus 8:29-30 and 2 Kings 20:2-5
What is prayers of the faithful?
This is the most important part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist (and of the Mass) that consists of the correct form of the sacrament of the Eucharist
What are the words of the institution/consecration?
This is the part of the concluding rite that is referenced in Genesis 28:3 and Deuteronomy 14:29
What is the Great Blessing?
This is the only Hebrew word regularly spoken at most Masses
What is alleluia?