What is the Spanish translation of "Ask"?
How do you say "preguntar" in English?
What is the past simple of "cry"? Spell it.
What is cried?
What is the Past Simple of "Be"?
What is Was or Were?
Build a sentence with the past simple of "walk"
built a sentence with "walked"
Build a sentence with the past simple of "buy"
Build a sentence with "bought"
What is the Spanish translation of "Bake"?
How do you say "hornear" in English?
What is the Past Simple of "Push"? Spell it.
What is Pushed?
What is the Past Simple of "do"?
What is "did"?
Build a sentence with the past simple of "enjoy"
Built a sentence with "enjoyed"
Build a Sentence with the past simple of "eat".
Build a sentence with "ate".
What is the Spanish translation of "chew" in English?
How do you say "masticar" in English?
What is the Past Simple of "clap"? Spell it.
What is clapped?
What is the past simple of "Fly"?
What is flew?
Build a sentence with the past simple of "help"
Built a sentence with "helped"
Build a sentence with the past simple of "drink".
Build a sentence with "drank".
What is the Spanish translation of "guess"?
How do you say "adivinar" in English?
What is the Past Simply of "study"? Spell it.
What is studied?
What is the Past Simple of "go"?
What is went?
Build a sentence with the past simple of "marry"
Built a sentence with married.
Build a sentence with the past simple of "have".
Build a sentence with "had"
What is the Spanish translation of "Remember"?
How do you say "recordar" in English?
What is the Past Simple of "destroy"? Spell it.
What is destroyed?
What is the Past Simple of "forget"?
What is forgot?
Build a sentence with the past simple of "need".
Built a sentence with "needed".
Build a sentence with the past simple of "know".
Build a sentence with "knew"