Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Chapter 5-6
Wild Card!

What happened to Coyotito?

He gets bit by a scorpion


What big event happened in the first chapter?

Coyotito was stung by a scorpion 


Describe the priest

He is greedy. He only wants money for the church not to help them.


What happened when Juana tried to throw the Pearl away?

Kino stops her violently.


Why is the canoe important to Kino? What does it symbolize?

Answers will vary.


Who is Juana?

Wife of Kino, mother of Coyotito, takes care of family


What kind of house do they live in? 

Brush house


What did Kino say his biggest dreams are?

He was to send Coyotito to school, he wants to get married to Juana and he wants new clothes.


Did Kino get attacked in chapter 5?

Yes, he killed the attacher.


What of the town they live in called?

La Pez


Who is Kinos brother in law and how did he help Kino?

Juan Tomas.  He helped Kino by giving his advice about selling the Pearl and helping him and his family escape when they needed to go into hiding.

What did they do after Coyotito was stung by the scorpion? 

Went to get help from the doctor but he would not help them because they are poor.


Does the doctor help Coyotito now? Why?

Yes he give him medicine because they have the Pearl and he knows they can pay him now.  They are unsure if the medicine helped him or make him more sick.


What happened to their house and canoe?

The house burnt down by people trying to sell the Pearl.  They all got out safe and hid at Juan Tomas and Apolonia house. The canoe was broken and had a hole in it. Kino wanted to use it to escape but could not.


What does the Pearl symbolize? Does it change?

At first symbolizes hope but then greed and evil.


Why did the Doctor not want to help Coyotito and why did he change his mind and decide to help them?

They had no money.  When he found out about the pearl Kino found he wanted to help them because he knew how much money the Pearl was worth. This showed us he is greedy.


What did Kino find in chapter 2?

A pearl


What do the Pearl buyers do to Kino?

They try to trick him into thinking that his Pearl is worth nothing.


What happened when when Kino approached the trackers?

The gun is fired and Coyotito is shot.  Kino kills the other trackers. 


How did the Pearl change Kino?

Yes.  He became greedy and consumed with what he could have with the money the Pearl could give him.


How did Kino change after he found the Pearl?

He let the Pearl and greed take him over and change who is he.  He lost sight of what is important in life and was consumed by the money and life the Pearl could give them.


What did Kino and everyone that saw call the Pearl that he found?

The Pearl of the world


Did Kino sell his Pearl? If not, where did he say he was going to go to sell it?

No he did not.  He said he was going to go to the capitol to sell the Pearl.


What did they do with the Pearl at the end and why?

They threw it back in the sea because Kino finally acknowledged the evil it was bringing.


What is a possible theme for the book? Explain.

Answers will vary.
