
At the time Columbus arrived, these were the two main tribes occupying the Caribbean islands. 

Who were the Tainos and the Kalinagos?


This oral labour contract system divided the Amerindians and gave groups of them to the Spanish settlers. The Amerindians were expected to work for the Spaniards in exchange for a small wage, food, clothing, shelter, protection, and conversion to Christianity. Failure to work resulted in severe punishment or even death.

What was the Encomienda system?


The Spaniards invited Catholic French settlers from neighbouring territories to settle on the island with their slaves and establish agricultural estates. This invitation was part of this document issued in 1783.

What was the Cedula of Population?


This religion was brought to Trinidad and Tobago by the British. 

What is Anglicanism? 


These are places in West Africa from where the Africans were taken. 

What were the Gold Coast, Angola, Congo, Senegal and the Niger Delta?


Some of the places the Tainos settled were Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. These countries are collectively known by this name. 

What is the Greater Antilles?  


These three G's sum up the reasons the Spanish monarchy supported Columbus' voyages. 

What are gold, God and glory? 


The French, like the Spanish, brought this religion to Trinidad.

What is Roman Catholicism? 


This common British drink is used by many in Trinidad and Tobago. 

What is tea? 


This was the period between the 1640’s to 1800 when cheap labour was needed in an abundant supply throughout the Caribbean to cultivate sugar cane on plantations.

What was the Sugar Revolution? 


The Amerindians built their settlements in these areas for access to fresh water for drinking, irrigation, hygiene, cooking, rearing animals, as well as transportation.

What are along the coast or near rivers or streams?


Life became very difficult for the Amerindians under the Spanish. These were the main causes of death among the Amerindians. 

What were overwork, starvation, punishment, torture, smallpox, influenza and committed suicide?


The French influenced our local language. They spoke a French dialect called by this name.

What is patois?

Name three streets in Port-of-Spain that have British names. 

Queen Street, King Street, Prince Street, Duke Street, George Street, Henry Street, Frederick Street.


This was the name of the slave trade, involving three different continents: Europe, Africa and the Americas, that brought enslaved Africans to the Caribbean.  

What was the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade or Triangular Trade?  


The Amerindians used this agricultural practice where they would set the area afire, then cut the burnt debris, using the ashes as fertilizer.

What is slash and burn? 


The early Spanish settlers in Trinidad cultivated these two crops for export. 

What were tobacco and sugar cane? 


This popular traditional Carnival character was a character from France in the 16th century.

What is the Pierrot Grenade?


The British made these sports popular in Trinidad and Tobago.

What are cricket, football, horse racing and rugby? 


When slavery ended on August 1st 1834, the Africans still had to work for the planters under this system.

What was the Apprenticeship System?


This herb, used by the Amerindians in their religious ceremonies to communicate with their gods, has become a major industry in Trinidad and in other parts of the world. 

What is tobacco? 


Columbus came across more territories on his second voyage such as Dominica, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, St Martin, the Virgin Islands and others. These are three of the problems the Spaniards encountered on these islands. 

What are size of the islands - these islands were small;  these islands had less resources and these islands were inhabited by the aggressive Kalinagoes.


Name four places in Trinidad and Tobago that have French names. 

What are Boug Mulatresse, Biche, Bacolet, Blanchisseuse, Bon Accord, Lopinot, Mon Repos, Morvant, Mount D’Or, Carenage, Champ Fleurs, Charlotteville, San Souci, Rousillac, Vessigny, D’Abadie, Pointe a Pierre, Laventille? 


Even though Trinidad and Tobago is a Republic with our own Head of State, we still use this court in Britain as our highest court of appeal. 

What is the Privy Council? 


Give three examples of foods that are of African influence. 

What are coo coo, ackee, yams, eddoes, beneballs, toolum, payme and callaloo?
