Name that Song
Who Said This?
Actors who played Erik
Actresses who played Christine
Actors who played Raoul

"In sleep he sang to me. In dreams he came. That voice which calls to me and speaks my name."

The Phantom of the Opera


"You tried my patience. Make your choice."

The Phantom


Before he became The Phantom, this actor was doing show such as Barnum and his own TV program titled Some Mothers Do Ave Em

Michael Crawford


The role of Christine was already given to this famed British actor to whom Andrew Lloyd Webber married and still calls her his Angel of Music. How sweet of him.

Sarah Brightman


This actor became Raoul in both the West End and Broadway before he started to wear the mask.

Steve Barton


"We never said our love was ever green. Or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember Stop and ___"

Think of Me


"Father said, When I'm in Heaven, child, I will send the Angel of Music to you."

Christine Daae


This actor has played the Phantom many times including in the 25th anniversary and in the sequel, Love Never Dies in 2010

Ramin Karimloo


This actress who started playing was back in 2006 in Las Vegas but she replayed her again in London for both the 25th anniversary and in Love Never Dies.

Sierra Boggess


This actor who played Raoul in the 25th anniversary was also in Les Miserables with Ramin Karimloo in both one of the revolutionaries and then became Javert.

Hadley Fraiser


"Floating falling. Sweet intoxication. Touch me. Trust me. Savor each sensation."

Music of the Night


"Gentlemen, if you kindly take your seats. I shall be sitting in Box 5"

Raoul de Chagny


The African-American actor became the first to play the Phantom on Broadway. I am still upset I never got to see him perform it live

Norm Lewis


This actress became the first Asian-American actress to play Christine. And the reason I'm always proud of Phantom that it makes some milestones.

Ali Ewoldt


This actor was the only actor to play Raoul in the Las Vegas production. That is kind of sad that he doesn't get an alternate like his Little Lotte and his rival.

Tim Martin Gleason


"No more talk of darkness. Forget these wide eyed fears. I'm here. Nothing can harm you. My words will warm and calm you."

All I Ask of You


"Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen!"



Before Norm Lewis, this actor was the 1st African American actor who took over for Michael Crawford in the National Tour. You may also recognized him in this animated role

Daily Double question: Name the movie and role he voiced

Robert Guillaume

The Lion King (Rafiki)


This actress became Christine after she returned from Australia performing Love Never Dies but wasn't reunited with her Phantom. So sad.

Daily Double: Name the actor who played her Phantom in Love Never Dies

Anna O'Byrnne

Ben Lewis


Before he took over the man behind the mask in the reopening of Phantom, this actor was Raoul while his costar was John Owen Jones. You should see those two playing Guitar Hero.

Killian Donnelly


"___. Paper faces on parade. ___. Hide your face so the world will never find you."



"Keep your hand at the level of your eyes. He lives across the lake. This is as far as I dare go."

Madame Giry


This actor holds the record of 2,500 performance of Phantom of the Opera and no one has surpass him just yet. Let's hope he can keep it.

Howard McGillian


This actress will become the first person of color to play Christine in London. I wish her the best of luck as she gets to live her dream role.

Lucy St. Louis.


This actor took on the role as Raoul before he dawn the mask in the National US Tour of Love Never Dies. He was very good.

Garðar Thór Cortes
