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1 Samuel 3:19 says Samuel never let this fall to the ground.

What is he left none of God's words fall to the ground?


This unexpected thing happened when the Israelites brought the ark to battle.

What is they lost the battle with the Philistines who captured the ark, took it back to their country, and set it up next to their god in his temple.


98-year-old overweight priest who honored his sons above Yahweh

Who is Eli?


# of Israelites who died at war with the Philistines

What is 34,000?


The city and tent where the ark was usually kept. 

What is the tabernacle or tent at Shiloh?


Isaiah 45:18 explains why the Philistine's false god broke apart.

What is there is no other god but Yahweh?

This happened to the Philistines every time the ark of God came to their city.

What is God struck the men of the city with tumors?


Names of high priest's evil sons who were killed by Philistines

Who is Hophni and Phinehas?

# of "tumors" & mice Philistines created as a sin offering to God

What is 5 gold images of tumors and 5 gold images of mice?


A pagan temple where God's ark dominated over idols

What is the temple of Dagon, the fish god?


Exodus 12:12 says Yahweh would do this to those who worship false gods.

What is Yahweh would execute judgments against their gods (Egyptians and Philistines)?


This happened to Eli when he heard the ark of God was captured by the Philistines.

He fell over backward from his chair, broke his neck, and died.


Prophet who told Eli his iniquity would not be forgiven

Who is Samuel?


# of the Philistine idol's body parts that fell off

What is 3: his head and both of his hands?


Israelite city where the cows delivered the ark.

What is Beth-shemesh? 


Exodus 9:14 explains why God inflicted tumors & mice on the Philistines

What is "that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth?"


This happened to the cart & animals that delivered the ark back to Israel. 

What is the men of Beth-shemesh split the cart's wood and offered up the cows for a burnt offering to Yahweh.


The Philistine's fish god's name

Who is Dagon?


# of months the Ark of God was in Philistine territory

What is 7 months?


The ark rested here for 20 years.

What is at the home of Abinadab, a Levite, in Kirjath-Jearim?


1 Samuel 7:3 states the kind of faithfulness & loyalty Yahweh expects.

What is "return to Yahweh with all your heart, remove the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you, and direct your hearts to Yahweh and serve him only?"


This happened when Israel put away their foreign gods and repented, serving Yahweh only.

What is Samuel prayed Yahweh would save them from the Philistines, offered a lamb burnt offering, and thundered on the panicking Philistines so Israel won the battle. The Philistines restored all Israelite cities.


Who delivered the ark back to the Israelites?

What is two mama cows with nursing calves who were left at home. 


# of Beth-shemesh men struck dead because they looked in the ark

What is 70 men?


The five cities of the Philistines

What is Gaza, Ashdod, Gath Ekron, and Ashkelon?
