An unidentified substance
What is the philosopher's stone?
The third century
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone
In what book by J.K. Rowling was the philosopher's stone mentioned?
What is the name of the element rumoured to be the real philosophers stone?
It turns common metals into precious metals
What type of transmutation does the philosophers stone do?
In the 5th or 6th century B.C.
When was the supposed start of alchemy?
A small bookseller in paris
What did Nicolas Flamel do?
The university of Manchester
What english university published about graphene?
Potential for human perfection
What does the philosophers stone mean?
Ultimate temptation
What is the most common moderne meaning of the philosophers stone?
Maestro Canches
Who helped Flamel translate the book?
In 2022
In what year was Graphene discovered?
The Powder
What is an other name for the philosophers stone?
Where did alchemy start?
Le livre des figures hiéroglyphiques
What french book was attributed to Flamel?
The solution to electronic waste.
To what problem is graphene thought to be the solution to?
Spiritual enlightenment
What is one of the most uncommon uses of the philosophers stone?
Divine Comedy
What poem by Dante Alighieri mentioned the philosophers stone?
What is an esoteric tradition based on the divine writing of Hermes Trimrgistus?
Tshingua china
What Chinese university published about Graphene?