Today is a ___ day because nothing special is going on.
A. caused
B. removes
C. typical
D. cornered
The rain _____ the drawing to be washed away.
A. cornered
B. caused
C. confused
D. removes
When does this place take place?
A. in the future
B. long ago
C. in the present
D. in the winter
in the present
All of the missing objects are listed on the sign except for the ___.
A. charm bracelet
B. police badge
C. silver pin
D. whistle
charm bracelet
The mynah bird has put all the stolen objects in ___.
A. her cage
B. the bookstore
C. a pond
D. a tree
a tree
Close the ___ on your bracelet.
A. removes
B. typical
C. caused
D. clasp
It looked as if the cat ____ the mouse, but the mouse got away.
A. cornered
B. typical
C. objects
D. caused
Where does this place take place?
A. in font of a bookstore
B. on a farm
C. on a school playground
D. in a town park
in a town park
Which is most important to Lan?
A. losing her bracelet
B. solving a mystery
C. finding a bicycle key
D. playing catch with Jeff
solving a mystery
In Scene One, what is Miss Rosa looking for?
Miss Rosa is looking for her mynah Bird, Dynah
The directions were so long we were _____.
A. confused
B. objects
C. typical
D. caused
Who jogs in place?
A. Mayor Pitt
B. Coach Lee
C. Jeff
D. Chief Wilson
Coach Lee
How are all the missing objects alike?
A. They are pieces of jewelry.
B. They are small and shiny.
C. Some are round and gold.
D. They are large and brown.
They are small and shiny.
Why does Lan want to go to the park again?
Lan wants to go to the park again to hopefully solve another mystery.
We have many ____ in the box.
A. removes
B. objects
C. typical
D. confused
Why is Lan bored before she loses her bracelet?
A. The weather is bad.
B. She is not getting along with Jeff.
C. There is nothing interesting to do.
D. She doesn't feel well.
There is nothing interesting to do.
The runners crossing the stage obscured the key. In this play, obscured means _____.
A. ran
B. found
C. hid
D. lost
Jill _____ her boots before she comes into the house.
A. objects
B. caused
C. removes
D. typical
When does Chief Wilson realize his badge is missing?
A. after he wakes up from his nap
B. as he is talking to Miss Rosa
C. when he goes back to the police station
D. before he takes a nap
after he wakes up from his nap
When Chief Wilson says that the "thief isn't anybody," he means that _____>
A. the thief is not a person
B. the thief is more than one person
C. there is no thief
D. the thief is a famous person
the thief is not a person