What part of the plant is the skeleton that holds the shape of the cell?
Cell Wall
What does the CELL WALL do for the plant cell?
Acts as the skeleton and holds the shape of the cell.
What part of the plant cell is the "powerhouse" and gives power to the whole cell? "The Mighty..."
What does the MITOCHONDRIA do?
It gives the cell it's power. It's the powerhouse of the cell.
What part of the plant makes food for the plant to survive?
What part of the plant decides what things go in and what things go out and acts like a security guard?
Cell Membrane
What does the CELL MEMBRANE do?
It acts like a security guard for the cell and allows things in and out of the cell.
What part of the plant cell makes chlorophyll?
What does the CHLOROPLAST do?
It makes chlorophyll and food for the plant in the leaf.
What part of the plant keeps the plant from blowing away?
What part of the plant cell holds extra water and nutrients for the plant like a holding tank?
Large Vacoule
What does the Nucleus do?
It's the Brain of the cell and tells everyone what to do.
What part of the plant cell acts as a cushion or protection for the rest of the cell? Jelly-like substance or cement-like?
What does the CYTOPLASM do?
It acts like a cushion and keeps everything safe. It can be a jellylike substance or a cement.
What part of the plant holds the plant upright and brings water from the roots to the rest of the plant?
What part of the plant cell is the brain of the cell and tells everyone what to do?
What does the ER do?
It brings messages directly from the Nucleus to the Golgi bodies.
What part of the plant cell delivers messages directly from the Nucleus? Like UPS...
ER - Endoplasmic Rectilium
What is your favorite type of flower?
What part of the plant makes fruit?
What is the center of the Nucleus called?
What do the Golgi bodies do?
They organize all of the messages and packages and where they need to go.
What part of the plant cell acts like the Post Office, organizes the packages, and where they need to go?
Golgi Bodies
What does a plant need to survive?
Sunlight, Air (Carbon Dioxide), and Water (and nutrients from the soil)
What part of the plant has pollen in it?