A biofilm that adheres to tooth surfaces, prosthetic devices, and restorations.
What is Plaque?
Sends out a chemical byproduct (chemotactic agent) to attract the secondary colonizers.
What is Primary Colonizers?
Some organisms will produce this to help with attachment and protect the bacteria from other chemicals.
What is "Slime"?
The removal of plaque before mineralization occurs and inhibition by chemical means are referred to as ___ methods.
What is Control?
Oral hygiene habits, access to dental care, diet, and age can all attribute to forming this on the teeth.
What is Calculus?
A deposit of calcium phosphate salts found on the tooth surfaces. It goes by the street name "tartar".
What is Calculus?
G+ cocci predominate and also some G- cocci and rods are what type of colonizers?
What is Primary?
The amount of time it takes for the bacterial attachment to occur when the pellicle is formed.
What is Hours?
The amount of hours is takes for the mineralization process to begin after plaque development.
What is 24 to 48?
These are the two chemicals that perform inhibition by chemical means to inhibit calculus formation.
What is Zn salts and 1% Pyrophosphate?
Forms above the gingival margin and is associated with gingivitis.
What is Supragingival Plaque?
Succession due to the environmental changes associated with metabolic byproducts of preceding organisms.
What is Plaque Biofilm?
Thin, amorphous acellular layer of organic material (protein layer). It is the first step in the plaque to calculus formation process.
What is Acquired Pellicle?
If the initial layer on the teeth is not removed, bacteria will colonize though this process.
What is Binary Fission?
Two Common Plaque-associated diseases found in patients are ______and ______.
What is Dental Caries and Inflammatory Periodontitis.
Forms below the gingival margin and is associated with periodontal disease.
What is Subgingival Plaque?
The acquired pellicle attracts planktonic cells which become sessile cells and are also known as what?
What is Primary Colonizers?
Occurs within hours of pellicle formation to initiate biofilm formation.
What is Bacterial Attachment?
Biofilm will continue to grow if it is not disrupted by the availability of nutrients and also what?
What is Mechanical Disruption?
The inflammation of the gingiva and inflammatory periodontitis are considered what type of implications?
What is Clinical?
Calculus doesn't have a fixed composition due to calcium phosphate being influenced by factors called what?
What is Local Environmental?
If none of this is present on the teeth, no dental calculus forms.
What is Plaque?
A specific type of calculus that can contain heme products, is often brown/green in color, and forms from crevicular or gingival fluid.
What is Serumnal Calculus?
Layers, surface, and the outer layer all refer to the what of the calculus?
What is Structure?
Elevated salivary pH, Low individual inhibitory factors, and Higher total salivary lipid levels are all examples of this in calculus formation.
What is Environmental Conditions (Factors)?