Emma's favorite color
What is PURPLE?
This is Mom's middle name.
What is Mom doesn't have a middle name?
Name one of Buddy's talents.
What is reading, good at math, magic tricks, and drawing?
This is Ana's favorite color.
What is turquoise or teal?
Emma's favorite amphibian
What is axolotl
This is Papa's full name.
What is Gustavo Adolfo Pohl Mendez?
This is Ana's favorite number.
What is the number six?
Emma's favorite drink
What is water
This is Mom's best friend.
Who is Katalina?
This song Ana is playing currently on the piano.
What is A thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton?
Emma's favorite book
What is Keeper of the Lost Cities
This pop star is know for hits like "Shake it Off" and "Blank Space".
What is Taylor Swift?
This planet is known as the"Red Planet".
What is Mars?
This is the only mammal capable of true flight.
What is a bat?
The first moon landing occurred in this year.
What is 1969?
This series by J.K. Rowling follows a young wizard and his friends at Hogwarts.
What is Harry Potter?