Learning Objective 1.1 (Colonization)
Learning Objective 1.2 (Theoretical Foundations)
Learning Objective 1.3 (American Democracy)
Learning Objective 1.4 (Preamble)
This Land Bridge allowed the first people to migrate into North America.
What is the Bering Strait?
This group of people wrote the Mayflower Compact, a document enumerating the scope of their government and its expectations of citizens for the new world.
Who are the Pilgrims?
The principle that the government must draw their power from the consent of the governed. IE, the people have to allow a government to govern them, the government does not automatically have the right to govern.
What is popular consent?
The judicial branch helps fulfill this tenant of the Preamble to the Constitution, centered around the idea that we are equal politically, and thus are held to the same standards.
What is Establish Justice?
The central premise of direct democracy in which only policies that collectively garner the support of a majority of voters will be made into law.
What is Majority Rule?
This Colony was founded by the Netherlands.
What is New Amsterdam?
This author wrote Second Treatise on Civil Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding. He believed that a government's major responsibility was the preservation of private property. He used the term "Life, Liberty, and Property."
Who is John Locke?
The principle that all citizens are the same in the eyes of the law. This ideal inspired amendments to protect people, such as a trial by a jury of your peers(6th), and protection against arbitrary arrests(4th). Over time this has become more true, as originally only white land owning men were treated equally, but now everyone is.
What is political equality?
This tenant of the Preamble was originally designed with the British in mind, and is the reason we have a military.
What is Provide for the Common Defense?
The notion that Ultimate Authority in society rests with the people. One example is the tenth amendment; saying "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
What is Popular Sovereignty?
Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were rejected by this religious group for disagreeing with their views on Predestination and a wish to separate from the church of England, respectively.
Who are the Puritans?
A system of government in which people vote for representatives who work on their behalf. The United States is a good example.
What is a indirect or representative Democracy?
Overtime, this has evolved from Freedom from, to freedom to. The framers were freeing Americans from infringement of Speech and Religion. Now it is more about guaranteeing civil liberties; or personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot take away.
What is Personal Liberty?
The Department of Homeland Security was created in part to help with this tenant of the Preamble, centered around protecting the U.S. From threats close to home.
What is Insure Domestic Tranquility?
A government rooted in the consent of the governed; a Representative or indirect democracy. The United States is an example.
What is a Republic?
In this colony the "holy experiment" where many different persecuted religions were allowed to settle occurred. The land was governed by William Penn, a Quaker.
What is Pennsylvania?
This author and political theorist wrote the Leviathan. In it he emphasized the idea that without written, enforceable rules people would behave like animals, and thus must give up some freedoms for security.
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
A doctrine stating that society should be governed by certain ethical principles that are a part of nature, and therefore, can be understood by reason; such as no murder or theft.
What is Natural Law?
This tenant promotes the idea that Americans can disagree and protest acts of Government, without fear of injury or persecution by the government. Falls under 1st amendment rights.
What is Secure the Blessings of Liberty?
The rule by one person for the benefit of the public.
What is a Monarchy?
This governing body was the first representative assembly in North America, and voted on laws in Virginia. It was created in 1619.
What is the House of Burgesses?
An agreement among people signifying their consent to be governed. The Mayflower Compact and the ideas of John Lock and Thomas Hobbes were central to this.
What is a social contract?
This Puritan ideal about singular people is valued in American democracy, but by very few others. Canada for instance uses a Group focused society. They focus on making policies for the masses instead of individuals, such as "free" healthcare.
What is Individualism?
This tenant involves the creation and maintenance of Social well-being for the public. Examples are Healthcare and Food Stamps.
What is Promote the General Welfare?
The idea that all individuals are free and equal by natural right. This freedom, in turn, represents that all people give their consent to be governed.
What is a social contract theory?