How does the left treat refugees?
Welcome them into the country and provide shelter.
The left believes in _____ for all.
Authoritarian regime, fascism - the government of Germany during WWII
What type of government did the Nazis have?
Socialism is an economic plan. T/F
Abraham Lincoln would be a ____ today.
The right views abortion as ______. The left views abortion as ______.
Abhorrent. A woman's right.
The right argues in favor of keeping the minimum wage where it is. What is the justification for this?
The right believes people who work for minimum wage are uneducated.
A society with no authoritarian government or social stratification is called this...
What is an Anarchist Collective?
Communism is an economic plan. T/F
The far right was stubbornly against giving what to the LGBT community since the 1960's?
Equal rights.
LGBT rights and pride are a point of contention among the _____.
The left believes in _______.
Human rights for all.
An incumbent is called this...
Who is someone who has already been elected to office?
Republicans believe that raising _____ will cause the economy to collapse.
The minimum wage.
Anti-fa was established after WWII. T/F
False. They have been condemning hate groups and fascism since the 1920's and 1930's.
"Trans rights are human rights." Which side holds this idea?
The left.
The Nazis (The far right) were/are _____.
Far-right, genocidal, white supremacists.
Plurality is this...
What is the system by which the candidate with the most votes wins?
Democrats believe that the ____ should be shared instead of being congregated into a small portion of the population.
The Democratic and Republican parties are very different than what they were during the time of slavery and the American civil war. T/F
The far right is made up of ______.
Neo-Nazis and hate groups.
____ is the economic plan, _____ is the government plan on the far left.
Socialism, Communism.
Anyone who is eligible to vote.
What is the Electorate?
Cutting taxes for the wealthy while doing nothing for the lower or middle class is looked down upon. T/F
The 'Socialist' in 'National Socialist German Worker's Party' was a point of propaganda. The Nazis were not actually Socialists. T/F