the compromise that limited the spread of slavery
what was the missouri compromise?
true or false: the north didn't benefit from southern cotton at all
the railroad which freed people of color used to help southern slaves achieve freedom
what was the underground railroad?
the political agreement that came from controversy between slavery and free/slave states
what was the missouri compromise?
the sport that's not allowed to be talked about in class
what is football?
the society that called for the end of slavery but also required slaves to be deported
what was the american colonization society?
true or false: some northerners did not oppose slavery
things allen did after he converted to Methodism (any option is fine)
what was self-taught reading/writing, purchasing freedom, and becoming the first bishop of the african methodist episcopal church?
the reason why thousands of african americans gathered in allen’s church
why did african americans condemn colonization and want to claim american citizenship?
mr. coleman's favorite chocolate
what are reece's peanut butter cups?
the state that was able to achieve statehood as a result of the missouri compromise along with the state of missouri
where is maine?
the end of this event/institution led to several northerners calling for the end of slavery
what was the atlantic slave trade?
two reasons for why the new colony for black americans struggled (either answer accepted)
what were the conflicts between leaders and residents, and deaths?
the reason why some free blacks disliked the ideas of the american colonization society
why did they see themselves as americans?
the opinion about cereal that sparked controversy in question of the day
what is water as a substitute for milk?
the person that argued for the american colonization society
who was henry clay?
the development of this tool by eli whitney led to the resurgence of slavery, primarily in the deep south
what was the cotton gin?
leaders of the american colonization society argued for this approach
what was gradual emancipation?
a consequence considered for "emancipation without removal"
what was the civil war that would result in conflict between two races?
mr. coleman's least favorite state
where is wyoming?
the sovereign nation that was created as a consequence of the american colonization society
where is liberia?
this term was used to define the relationship between southerners and slaves
what is benevolence?
this person supported the southerners in the idea that congress has no right to come in between the emancipation of slaves in the states
who was james madison?
the failure that led to a major battle over slavery
what was the failure of colonization?
what mr. coleman wanted to be growing up
what is a sports journalist?