Identify what the passage is trying to make you notice?
The passage is trying to make you notice that people should be careful with what they post online.
Describe why clicking the like button can have complex results.
Because a single like can have a big impact on a post’s popularity.
What's the upvote button?
Reddit's version of the like button.
Explain why teens tend to skip post with less than 20 likes.
Teens think that the post is not socially acceptable.
Is social media good for Teens?
No because teens spend more than half of their waking hours online.
State how sometimes people seeing other's post online may affect some people.
Because sometimes it affected behavioral attitudes.
Recall why many users online try to get more popular with their posts.
Many social media sites share more of the higher-ranked posts, and they could get money off of it.
Why did researchers scan Reddit every two minutes for six months?
To record the sites most popular posts in six months.
Recognize what happens when student sees alcohol related posts.
Students who saw alcohol-related posts during the first six weeks of school were more likely to drink alcohol.
How come social media can also affect grown up's, and not only teens?
Clicking the like button on their posts since they can also get addicted to social media.
Using the information from the text how can someone appear to be happier online?
"posts may exaggerate how well our friends and others are feeling, making them appear much happier than we are" - Paragraph 5
Do you think that teens let their guards down when it comes to viewing a post with Alcohol in it?
Yes because they wonder why can't they do it when everyone else is doing it.
Compare how the votes that the program upvoted did compared to the other votes that the program left alone.
"Posts that their program had upvoted did better. These posts were eight percent more likely to have a final score of at least 1,000, compared to posts the program ignored" - Paragraph 18
Criticizing social media for how some parents teens turned out. Is this the right thing to do?
No since these teens also had the option to stay away from these actions, the teens should be punished without blaming anyone or anything.
Do you think that social media is slowly becoming something in your everyday life?
Yes. Even YouTube is a social media site which is a app that most people use.
Examine why Sherman worries about what teens see online.
“Repeated exposure to risky pictures posted by peers could make teens more likely to try those behaviors.”
-Paragraph 14
Demonstrate why the teens were disappointed when the researchers showed them that their post got less than 15 likes.
They think that their post aren't socially acceptable.
Using the information from the text are upvotes necessary to become popular in Reddit?
Upvotes helps one or multiple post of yours become popular, but most of the times it doesn't make you popular.
Solve why teens make alcohol more attractive with Instagram filters.
Teens make alcohol more attractive so that more people can drink with them, or to make themselves look cool to gain popularity.
Schedule changes for teens mostly arounds social media, how's that so?
Some teens tend to change their schedule just to scroll on their phone for one or more hours.
Defend the reason why Glenski agrees that social media shapes how we perceive the world around us.
Your online ratings have a big influence on what others see and hear.
Hypothesize if clicking on someones elses like button can slowly make their post go viral.
If I click the like button I'm making their post become viral, but I also might be voting on something if I like the post that I see.
Imagine that you are one of the researchers for Reddit, what would be the smartest thing to do from the beginning?
Post more than once per day to see the effect of it.
Defend the claim of why most teens have Instagram and Snapchat
More posts about alcohol appeared on Instagram and Snapchat than on Facebook since less adults are on those apps.
Judge if teens could even survive one day without social media
(Optional question. State you answer, and your reasoning for your answer)