List 1
List 2
List 3

Please explain the part of speech and meaning of address in the following sentence. (Chinese)

1. What's your name and address

2. tonight's televised presidential address

3. Your essay does not address the real issues.

1. n. 地址

2. n. 演讲

3. v. 处理,设法解决


Please explain the part of speech and meaning of cause in the following sentence. (Chinese)

1. Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.

2.fighting for the Republican cause

3. Do they know what caused the fire?

1. n. 原因

2. n. 事业

3. v. 引起,造成


Please explain the part of speech and meaning of ideal in the following sentence. (Chinese)

1. This beach is ideal for children.

2. Walt Disney stayed true to his ideals.

3.  Her features were almost the opposite of the Japanese ideal of beauty in those days.

a. 理想的

n. 理想

n. 完美典范


please explain the given phrase and make a sample sentence on board

raise one’s awareness


This will raise your awareness of the grammar of your native language.


please explain the given phrase and make a sample sentence on board

move/bring … to tears


She had black hair, blue eyes, and a look that could bring you to tears.


please explain the given word and make a sample sentence on board

articulate v. 

articulate a. (make sentence on board)

a. 发音清晰的 All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words.

v. 清楚说明 to express or explain your thoughts or feelings clearly in words



Who is Frederick Douglass? Why is he a good great orator?

Give answer with paragraph & line number

p1: a Maryland slave, a fighter for the emancipation of slaves; he knew the power of words and communicated in passionate way


Based on the reading, please list at least 3 important qualities of great orator.

Give answer with paragraph & line number

p2:The power to move people to tears or to action

being articulate, inspiring and sincere

straightforward message with words that fill audiences with emotion 


know about the word family of oral

oratory English definition

orator syn.?

oral English definition and make sentence of it on board

1. the art of formal public speaking

2. orator - speaker 

3. oral - spoken He was interested in  oral history


They bring important questions into focus and possess eloquence, the power to persuade with forceful and fluent speech. (translate & What does the power refer to?)


the power = eloquence


word family of compel

compel What's its part of speech & definition?

compelling What's its part of speech & synonym? Please make a sentence of the word compelling on board.

v. 强迫;迫使

v. 引起(反应)He spoke with an authority that compelled the attention of the whole crowd.

a. interesting & convincing 

e.g. There is no compelling reason to believe him.


Frederick Douglass, a Maryland slave who fought for the freedom of all slaves, is considered one of the country’s greatest orators.

translate & find the main structure (subject/predicate/object) of the sentence 

弗雷德里克-道格拉斯 一个为所有奴隶的自由而战的马里兰州的一名奴隶,被认为是该国最伟大的演说家之一。

Frederick Douglas is considered one of the country’s greatest orators.


He was never allowed to go to school, yet he understood that words were powerful forces for change, and he used them to communicate passionately about the abolition of slavery.

please both translate and paraphrase the sentence 

please list all the coordinating conjunction in the sentence. 


yet, and


First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt reminded her listeners of the ideals that we all share when she chaired the committee that approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What's the function of  two "that" in the sentence. 

What does "chair" mean?

please paraphrase & translate the sentence. 


chair - v.担任(会议、讨论等的)主席

that- relative/attributive clause, describe the noun before "ideals" & "committee"


(translate & What does one refer to? & find the subject/predicate/object of the main sentence)

Martin Luther King Jr’s description of a more equal society, one in which his four children would “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”, has inspired millions of Americans to make his dream a reality.

小马丁-路德-金描述了一个更加平等的社会,在这个社会中,他的四个孩子将 "不以肤色而以性格内容来评判",这激励了数百万美国人将他的梦想变成现实。

one = society

main structure: MLKJ's description h as inspired millions of Americans
