How much sleep does each age group get on average
What interrupts our sleep?
how teenagers can improve their sleep?
What does sleep do for our brain and bodies?
Random riddles #fun?

How much sleep does preschool age (6-13) get on avg per night?

10-13 per night on avg


what is the most common way your sleep is interrupted throughout the night?

Phone notifications/ phone buzzing


How does avoiding caffeine near bed time help improve sleep?

Avoid caffeine near bedtime: Caffeine is in coffee, tea, energy drinks and more. It’s a stimulant, which means it can help keep you awake and alert.


How does sleep strengthen your heart?

helps individuals more effectively manage their weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol


Give me a drink, and I will die. Feed me, and I'll get bigger. What am I?

a fire


How much sleep does school-age (6-13) year olds get on avg per night?

8-9 hours on avg per night


How does light exposure affect your sleep?

light cues the brain to stay awake. In the evening, lights from televisions, mobile phones and computers can prevent adequate production of melatonin, the brain chemical (neurotransmitter) responsible for sleep


How can being active throughout the day improve your sleep?

Physical activity can help improve your mood and ease stress. Just don't work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.


How does sleep reduce stress?

When you get a good night's rest, your body naturally reduces the levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.


What word begins with E and ends with E, but only has one letter?



How much sleep on avg does teen age (14-17) get per night?

8-10 on avg per night


How does leisure activities affect our sleep?

The lure of stimulating entertainment such as television, the internet and computer gaming can keep a teenager out of bed.


How can electronic free bedroom improve your sleep?

Make your bedroom a tech-free zone. The light from electronic devices tricks the brain into thinking it’s still daytime, so shut everything down an hour before lights out.


How does sleep strengthen your immune system?

our bodies produce a protein called cytokines infection and inflammation while sleeping?


What has many rings but no fingers?

A telephone


How much sleep on avg does young adults get per night? ages (18-25)

7-9 hours on avg


How does schoolwork affect our sleeping time?

Having a ton of school work affects our sleeping time and when we can finally get into bed.


How does having a consistent sleep schedule improve our sleep?

Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep. Creating a set bedtime routine can enhance this relaxation effect.


How does sleep improve memory?

During sleep, your brain makes connections. It links events, feelings, and sensory input to form memories.


What goes up but never comes back down?

Your age


How much sleep on avg do old adults get per night? Ages (65 and up)

7-8 hours on avg


How does a sleep disorder affect your sleep?

sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome or sleep apnoea, can affect how much sleep a teenager gets.


How does stress trigger insomnia?

Stress can trigger insomnia, so the more you agonize about not sleeping, the more likely you'll lie awake staring at the ceiling


How does sleep repair tissues?

While you sleep, your body works hard to repair damage. The damage can be from stress, ultraviolet rays, and other harmful things you're exposed to.


 If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become?

Wet hahaha gotem
