Fill in the blank:
In the _____, there were not a lot of books.
Johannes Gutenberg is from which country?
In the past, why didn't many people have books?
Books in the past cost a lot of money
Who is the inventor of the printing press?
Johannes Gutenberg
What is the word that describes more than one book?
Fill in the blank:
Some had _____ to copy books with pens.
Why is it called a 'printing press'?
Because it presses down on the paper to print on it
Long ago, why did it take so long to make a book?
Each book had to be copied by hand
What was different about how the letter blocks were set into the pan?
They were put in backwards and upside down
What is the word for more than one word?
What does it mean to 'pen' a book?
To write a book
What was the very first book printed on the printing press?
The Bible
How did the printing press make it easier to print books?
It worked more quickly.
Books didn't need to be copied by hand.
Letters on the blocks could be moved around to make new words
What gets put on the blocks after they are set?
Ink goes on the blocks
Fill in the blank:
In time, there were lots of book ______ such as his.
What did people learn to do once it became easier to get books?
They learned to read and write
Why are lowercase letters called "lowercase letters"?
Because they were stored in the lower part of the case so they could be easier to reach
Why was the printing press was so important?
It helped more people get books
What goes on top of the ink covered blocks?
Paper goes on top
Spell the word for more than one copy.
What does "tip your hat" mean?
It means to praise or thank someone
Which type of ink worked better with the printing press, water ink or oil ink?
Oil ink
What happened as more people got access to more books?
More people began to read and write
How do the words get on the paper?
A rod presses on a plate and prints the words in the pan onto the paper
Fill in the blank:
Gutenberg made his blocks out of alloys, a mixture of _______.