Transitions #9
Bzz Bzz - The 3 Bees # 12
Friendship Skills #18
Social/Emotional Skills #15
Who's Who? in Preschool
Turning the lights off and singing a song are examples of this.
What is a structured transition?
Using school mascot (i.e., Rocks, Roar, etc.) these are picture representations of behavior expectations.
What are posted visual rules
1. Look at your friend 2. Say your friend's name 3. Gently touch your friend on the shoulder or arm if she/he isn't looking at you. 4.Keep trying.
What is getting your friend's attention?
Saying "please stop," trading, get a teacher are part of this visual tool.
What is the Solution Kit.
Knows what a hat trick is.
Who is Brandy Hoy?
"You have 5 minutes until cleanup" is an example of this.
What is a whole class warning
Reminding the entire class of behavioral expectations during circle.
What is a whole group reminder?
Role playing and pairing up with a buddy are examples of this.
What are strategies to increase/practice friendship skills?
Tommy, how did asking Sally to share work for you? Paul, why do you think asking Sam to share didn't work? What's another solution you could try? Class, while we were playing I noticed that Paul asked Sam to share, but Sam didn't want to. What do you think of that? What other solutions could Paul have used?
Reviewing their use of the skill either individually or as a whole group
Married to a "rocket man"
Who is Cindy Van Milligan
Two strategies that ensure ALL children are engaged in transitions
Acceptable answers include...use a class bell, lights flicker, music, identify body parts, involving Ss in something fun
A form in IC that helps staff articulate the A (antecedents) B (behavior) and C (consequences) of behavior to promote brainstorming and create documentation to support a student on tier III.
What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?
Direct teaching of skills to handle anger and disappointment, and regulate basic emotions Direct teaching of emotional literacy skills Cueing for use of specific social skills Social stories - individualized or small group 1:1 or small group instruction on target skills Embed friendship oppt's and social skill practice into daily schedule (play organizers) Are examples of which Tier?
What is Tier II?
A teacher strategy that uses statements such as, "I am sharing these crayons with my friends", while handing a child some of the crayons. "I am really happy because you are all sitting so nicely on the carpet. I am smiling because I am happy."
What is descriptive modeling social and emotional skills?
Her nickname could be "MINI YOGI"
Who is Marilyn Rome?
"I like the way you cleaned up your place mat and threw away your trash after snack," rather than just saying "good job!" is an example of what?
What is positive DESCRIPTIVE feedback
A data collection tool that identifies problem behavior, setting, individuals involved, possible motivation and response.
What is a Behavior Incident Report (B.I.R)?
A scripted visual guide to teach social interactions.
What are social stories?
Social stories, direct instruction, incidental teaching of social emotional skills are from a Pyramid tier in 1:1 or small group instruction.
What is Tier II?
This reading Bobcat loves to camp, and was born in Ohio.
Who is Katie Hatley?
A visual picture of the next activity First this/then that A gentle physical touch to guide the child to the next activity are examples of....
What are individualized transition support strategies for targeted children
Teacher facilitates group discussion that encourage students to think about why a particular rule is important.
What is critical thinking about behavior?
When one child is praised for appropriate behavior and the rest of the class follows is called.
What is the ripple effect?
"If you're going to throw the blocks, you'll have to put them away" as opposed to "stop it!" is an example of this strategy?
What are logical and / or natural consequences?
She owns more sports shirts than all other sports shirts combined.
Who is Amanda Gasco?