The DS release date
what is 2004
The company behind xbox
What is Microsoft
The company behind Playstation
What is Sony
Batmans name
What is Bruce Wayne
The short one
What is John e
The year the gameboy was released.
What is 1989
First games on Xbox 360
what is
PS1 release date
What is 1994
The director of 1917.
What is Sam Mendes
Robert Wadlow was the tallest man who ever lives. His height was
Switch have sold this many consoles
what is 70 million
First game released on xbox
What is Halo: Combat evolved
The year Saving Private Ryan was released
What is 1998
The longest life of a goldfish was this many years
What is 42
The simpsons game sold this many copies
what is 4 million
Minecraft recently passed this sales milestone.
what is 200 million copies
The first game ever released on PS4
What is Killzone
Fast and furious has a lot of films
what is 14
The UK's total boundary length
what is 7,947 mi
In 2020, US gender statsics said t this percentage of players are female
what is 41%
How long was the first halo
What is 10 hours
The number of levels in crash 1
what is 32 levels
2020's Oscar winner for best film
What is Parasite
The longest book in the world is a lot of words. But it's this many letters.
what is 9,609,000 characters