first 20 numbers in pi
what is the most scared you have felt in your life
right now the fear of getting this wrong this could be one of the few questions people get dont think its cuz u outsmarted the quiz i knew you could and if you didnt well. clearly the time you said is aparently more scary than losing
this is a answer to the first question in easy
3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6
On the christmas of 2021 did i get the doll i circled in the target magizene
no i got Bedtime JJ i circled Back To School JJ
This one is not hard unless I shared this or YOU STOLE IT.
Who am I
I am only saying this in case it GETS STOLEn
I am Henry Shaw and you are getting no points for this question but the next question is worth 2X but if you get it wrong you lose the points
what year was Grand Carousel lego set born
how many modular sets as of 2003
again slim chance you could get this one
might not be again if you didnt pick the other question im writing them in order ok deal with it
what is the answer to this question
the answer to this question
world record for this quiz 100% questions right
there isnt one and if there is then its in the future im talking about when im making this so here are the correct answers:
no/ there isnt one/india
simpel math: joe-d-b was singing she hit 100 hertz is she was doing this for 5 hours how damaged would her ears be
As of January 2022 how many amiibos are out there
828 you probably forgot about the cereal box/ Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards.
ok time to get serios or however you spell it.
list every counterpart to every mainline game as in the second one
ok thats all you had to list those only oh and y
and shining pearl
"i dont need school" first lesson you need to learn to like learning
how many layers in that.
you could have just said as many as a tree because a tree can have from 0 to like 500
U only get points if you said the amount of a tree
if cuphead is number one then mugman is
which makes him older again you might get this right along with others i didnt say and if this is ur first question take away again
400 points for 400 questions: what is the goal of the 400 question template
to get good at investment banking
junas was getting memoirs from the taker and what was the bad memoir
the one you wrote
is legends arceus mainline
If you got this wrong then you get me saying you did good at the end of the quiz
I get unless this is your first question and maybe even then you are struggling with this quiz think about how i have to feel to reasearh this you silly ________
Isaac you probably got this if you did and only for you there is a cost if you did.
you lose the amount of points for the next question if you get it right nothing happens.
and if this is the last question your opponent wins.
if you have no opponent and this is the last question.
you get no points for this question and you cant say you won
the answer to 500 for hard
did you think the hardest question in easy would be easy NO so i am thinking of a number between 5 and 7 what is it
what does the tip say is tradidional in Jeopardy
to phrase this as a statement
what year did pokemon introduce Tyranitar
Helpful Hint: (The games came out in 1999)
how many youtube videos as of march 2005
0 youtube had been around for 2 months but still no videos. if you got this then you get 500 points only if you lose then you get -1000
and if you got it then
the answer to 400 for hard
the javelin