What is the monthly groceries payment for 1 adult?
The monthly payment is approximately
$364.21 CA
What is the monthly rent for a 1 bedroom apartment?
The monthly rent is approximately
$1,243 CA
What is the "median" yearly salary of a Dental Assistant?
(in CA$)
The "median" yearly salary of a Dental Assistant is:
$58k CA
What is the cost of public education in:
Public schools can range from $9,500 to $17,000 per year.
SK- free
What is the monthly groceries payment for 2 adults?
The monthly payment is approximately
$728.42 CA
What is the monthly rent for a 2 bedroom apartment?
The monthly rent is approximately
$1,434 CA
($1,010- $1,656 CA)-smallest to greatest payment
What is the "median" yearly salary of a Musician?
(in CA$)
The "median" yearly salary of a Musician is:
$52k CA
What is the monthly groceries payment for 2 adults and 1 child?
The monthly payment is approximately
$1008.35 CA
What is the monthly rent for a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom Town-House?
(FT2 800)-square feet
The monthly rent is approximately
$1,675-1,700 CA
What is the "median" yearly salary of a Police Officer?
(in CA$)
The "median" yearly salary of a Police Officer is:
$94k CA
What is the monthly groceries payment for 1 adult and 2 kids?
The monthly payment is approximately
$867.74 CA
What is the monthly rent for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Town-House?
(FT2 1301)-square feet
The monthly rent is approximately
$2,225 CA
What is the "median" yearly salary of a Computer Programmer?
(in CA$)
The "median" yearly salary of a Computer Programmer is:
$80k CA
What is the monthly groceries payment for 2 adults and 2 kids?
The monthly payment is approximately
$1288.28 CA
What is the monthly rent for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom House?
(FT2 1255)-square feet
The monthly rent is approximately
$2,699 CA
What is the "median" yearly salary of an Elementary School Teacher?
(in CA$)
The "median" yearly salary of an Elementary School Teacher is:
$85k CA