
Define indulgence

paying money to the church to get yourself or others out of punishment for sin after death


Given credit for starting the Reformation.

Martin Luther


What happened in Wittenberg in 1517?

Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses and nailed them to the church door.


How did Luther communicate his complaints to the Catholic Church?

He wrote 95 Theses and hung them on the door of his church.


Define heretic

someone who went against the teachings of the Catholic Church


Translated the Bible into English.

John Wycliffe


This series of meetings from 1543-1563 helped the Catholic Church regroup and decide what they believed.

Council of Trent


Explain how Gutenberg helped the Reformation to succeed.

The printing press helped the reformers to many copies of their ideas quickly and spread them to the common people in their own language.  In this way, the ideas of the Reformation became popular very quickly.


What caused the 30 Years War?  What happened during this war?

Local rulers began to fight over which religion their territory would follow.  This continued for 30 years, sometimes with the Catholics winning, sometimes with the Protestants.  In the end, millions of people were killed, and rulers got the right to choose the religion for their territory.


How was Henry VIII connected to the Reformation?

He was an English king and supporter of the Catholic Church.  But when they wouldn't allow him to divorce his wife, he left the Catholic Church and set up the Church of England, which was basically the same as the Catholic Church, but belonged to him.  Leaders after him eventually brought some ideas of the Reformation into the Church of England and made it more of a Protestant church.


Put the following in order:

a - 95 Theses

b - Bible in English

c - Church of England started

b, a, c


List and explain at least two issues that set off the Reformation.


corruption and excessive power in the Catholic Church

Salvation only through faith, not things we do

The Bible in the common language

The Bible as the only source of authority


Explain what the counter-reformation was, and what it accomplished.

The counter-reformation was the Catholic Church's attempt to stop the Reformation.  This included both the Roman and Spanish Inquisitions, in which heretics were found, tried, and punished.  It also included the Council of Trent, in which Catholic leaders met to reform and confirm what they believed.  In the end they managed to stop the Reformation from spreading further.


Tell us about a reformer (not Martin Luther), and explain this reformer's role in spreading the Reformation.

Possible answers...Jan Hus, John Knox, John Wycliffe, John Calvin...


Explain how the Reformation affects your life today.  Give at least two specific examples.

More freedom and equality for people in all levels of society

Encouraged to think for ourselves

Live in a country where we have an opportunity to influence government and share our opinions

Able to read the Bible in our own language and study what it says for ourselves

Able to go to school and learn about how the world works

Lives free from the control of the church


List and explain at least two long-term effects of the Reformation on the world.

Separation of church and government

Reduced power of the church in society

People began to think for themselves about truth

Many different Christian denominations around the world
