Author of 95 theses
Who is Martin Luther
Council that reformed the Catholics
Who is Council of Trent
Country that Anabaptist Emerged from
What is Switzerland
Founder of Jesuit order
Who is Ignatius of Loyola
King who established the Anglican Church
Who is King Henry VIII
Effect from Council of Trent on Catholic Doctrine
What is reaffirming Catholic Teaching
Belief that Anabaptist opposed
What is Infant Baptism
The person who is credited with starting Protestant Reformation
Who is Martin Luther
Swiss Reformer who disagreed with Luther about communion
Who is Huldrych Zwingli
Movement that weakened Catholics Churchs power in Europe
What is the Rise of Nation-States
Term for French Protestants
Who is Huguenots
Key Result of Protestant Reformation
What is increased religious diversity in Europe
First Female ruler that restored Catholicism
Who is Mary I
Term used to describe Catholics Church response to Protestantism
What is Counter-Reformation
Result of Protestant Reformation
Type of Government in Geneva
What is Theocracy